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How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
The narrative about global inequality and poverty often focuses on rural areas in the global south, with a heavy emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. But the reality is that poverty is becoming more concentrated in cities across the ...
India's Environmental Challenges in 10 Images
India’s Environmental Challenges in 10 Images
The last two decades have seen a rampant rise in environmental challenges being faced by cities and countries globally. In India, too, challenges related to air pollution, waste management, scarcity of water, conservation of natural resources, and loss of biodiversity, ...
Traumatized and Trapped: After Sexual Assault, How Can Cities Welcome Women Back to Public Transport?
Traumatized and Trapped: After Sexual Assault, How Can Cities Welcome Women Back to Public Transport?
Sexual assault on public transit is all too common. In Bogotá, Colombia, an incredible 37% of female riders of the bus rapid transit system report experiencing unwanted sexual contact while using the system, according to new research, funded in part ...
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
The previous Map of the Month showed the power of accessibility data – comparing average travel time to different services in Mexico City – as a proxy to understand inequality in cities. But similar analyses can also help us to ...
PODCAST: How Chennai's Water Got to Day Zero
PODCAST: How Chennai’s Water Got to Day Zero
One of South India’s biggest cities is almost out of water. A year after Cape Town, South Africa, had its own “Day Zero” crisis, the reservoirs in Chennai are nearly dry, leaving millions in this usually-wet coastal city wondering if they ...
Eskişehir, Turkey, Leads on Energy-Efficient Buildings
A city without buildings is simply not a city. And yet when it comes to climate action, buildings tend to take a back seat to transport, energy production and industry. Making buildings more energy-efficient is the cheapest way to reduce ...
How Does a Flood-prone City Run Out of Water? Inside Chennai’s “Day Zero” Crisis
How Does a Flood-prone City Run Out of Water? Inside Chennai’s “Day Zero” Crisis
Chennai faced a devastating flood in 2015 that killed hundreds of people and displaced many more. Today, the southern Indian city’s four main reservoirs are virtually dry. This crisis is not only due to lack of water. Lack of proper management is ...
Besides Buying Renewables, How Can Companies and Cities Create a Greener Grid?
Besides Buying Renewables, How Can Companies and Cities Create a Greener Grid?
Corporations have driven much of the recent U.S. investment in renewable energy, collectively procuring more than 16 gigawatts of new capacity since 2014, enough to power roughly 5 million homes for a year. Commercial and industrial energy users represent more than 60% of U.S. ...
Local Communities Aren’t Just Climate Victims. They’re Climate Adaptation Leaders
Local Communities Aren’t Just Climate Victims. They’re Climate Adaptation Leaders
“Poor and vulnerable” is a common refrain in climate change stories. It’s a phrase used with good reason, to highlight how climate change disproportionately affects the disenfranchised. Economically, politically and socially vulnerable communities feel climate impacts first and hardest. They have fewer ...
Seoul, Guangzhou and New York City Top List of Cities With Largest Carbon Footprints. How Does Your City Rank?
Seoul, Guangzhou and New York City Top List of Cities With Largest Carbon Footprints. How Does Your City Rank?
The largest and highest-consuming cities in the world have carbon footprints equal to those of small countries. This is the finding of a study surveying the carbon footprint of cities worldwide. Half the world’s population lives in cities, but just 100 cities ...
Vida Segura: How São Paulo Plans to Cut Traffic Fatalities by Half in 10 Years
Vida Segura: How São Paulo Plans to Cut Traffic Fatalities by Half in 10 Years
With a population of 12.2 million – eighth largest in the world – São Paulo faces a daunting task in making its streets safe for all. But in April 2019, the city pledged to do just that, becoming the first ...
Delhi Announces Plan to Make All Public Transport Free for Women. Will It Work?
Delhi Announces Plan to Make All Public Transport Free for Women. Will It Work?
On June 10, Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, announced a new proposal to make public transport free for women. Once cleared, the move – which will cost approximately ₹700 crore ($100 million) to the Delhi government – will make ...
Honduras Joins the Global Movement to Make Public Space Work Better for People
Honduras Joins the Global Movement to Make Public Space Work Better for People
Cities around the world are embracing the movement to make their streets work better for people, not just cars. From Bogotá’s Ciclovía, to Guadalajara’s Via RecreActiva, India’s Raahgiri Days, and Ethiopia’s Menged Le Sewe, many cities have adopted some version ...
For a 1.5 C World, Cities Must Go Carbon Neutral. They Can’t Do It Alone.
For a 1.5 C World, Cities Must Go Carbon Neutral. They Can’t Do It Alone.
Around the world, grassroots movements like Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future are sounding the alarm about the climate crisis, and government representatives are responding to the call: national parliaments and cities have declared climate emergencies, the Green New Deal is gathering support in ...
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
In Mexico City, someone living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods has 28 times better access to jobs in a 30-minute trip by public transit and walking than someone living in the poorest areas. Twenty-eight times. And this says nothing ...
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