Recent Posts by Gwen
Sexual assault on public transit is all too common. In Bogotá, Colombia, an incredible 37% of female riders of the bus rapid transit system report experiencing unwanted sexual contact while using the system, according to new research, funded in part ...
Bogotá, Colombia was recently named the least safe transit system for women, largely due to an epidemic of sexual assault (defined here as any type of unwanted sexual touching). According to a survey, conducted in Colombia and Bolivia as part ...
A few months ago, TheCityFix reported on the opening of the Mi Teleférico cable car system that connects the cities of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia. The system helps residents navigate the mountainous terrain and has the potential to ...
On the first Sunday in September, 2014, cities across Bolivia closed their roads for the fourth annual “Day of the Pedestrian and Cyclist in Defense of Mother Earth.” The event, often referred to simply as the “Day of the Pedestrian,” is an ...
Residents of the La Paz/El Alto Metropolitan area now have a new option for navigating the region’s mountainous geography. The first line of the Mi Teleférico (My Cable Car) system opened May 30, 2014, and interviews with new riders show ...
Welcome to Arequipa, the famous “White City” of Peru. EMBARQ Andino has been working with the municipality here to improve transportation for all arequipeños, starting with the highly successful pedestrianization of Mercaderes Street. Now, the city is taking on a ...
Bogota’s Integrated Public Transport System (SITP) is poised to transform transit in the city when it is launched this December. The project is projected to improve order and efficiency, mitigate pollution, and reduce traffic injuries and fatalities. Such a transformation ...
All photos by Gwen Kash. More than a decade after its inception, Bogotá’s pioneering TransMilenio BRT system carries 1.6 million passengers every weekday. Its many successes, such as reducing pollution, improving safety and reducing travel time for Bogotanos, may be ...