Posts tagged with 'public transportation'
COVID-19 Has Reshuffled Public Space. Buses Deserve a Greater Share.
COVID-19 Has Reshuffled Public Space. Buses Deserve a Greater Share.
There’s no question we’re going through unprecedented times for public transport. Ridership is down anywhere from 60% to 90%. Transit agencies are hemorrhaging cash, with fare revenue following ridership down the tube. But the fact is that throughout the tremendous ...
More Bicycles, Slower Speeds, a More Livable City: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Plans an Ambitious Second Term
More Bicycles, Slower Speeds, a More Livable City: Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Plans an Ambitious Second Term
With her recent re-election, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo (Editor’s note: no relation to the author) has won a mandate to continue profound mobility transformations in the French capital. Her re-election manifesto promises an even more ambitious second term, furthering her efforts over ...
Latin America’s 17 Million Domestic Workers Need Better Transit. Direct Lines Can Help.
Latin America’s 17 Million Domestic Workers Need Better Transit. Direct Lines Can Help.
Like workers in many other sectors, hundreds of thousands of domestic workers have been fired from their jobs around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as economies have begun to reopen, many are returning to work, facing not only ...
Back to Business: Enabling Public Bus Systems Post-COVID-19
Back to Business: Enabling Public Bus Systems Post-COVID-19
The ongoing pandemic has wreaked immense and lasting damage to India’s economy, and passenger transport has been particularly affected. COVID-19’s far-reaching impact on the aviation and railway industry is well-documented, along with the struggles of auto and taxi drivers. However, a critical mode that has ...
What Could Be: A 2030 Retrospective on Urban Mobility After COVID-19
What Could Be: A 2030 Retrospective on Urban Mobility After COVID-19
COVID-19 is a radical moment in so many ways. By disrupting urban systems so profoundly, it has thrust the question of urban futures before us in a way that we cannot ignore. Will cities recover? What will they look like? ...
Public Transport After COVID-19 Lockdowns: It’s Time to Innovate and Change Benchmarks of Success
Public Transport After COVID-19 Lockdowns: It’s Time to Innovate and Change Benchmarks of Success
In less than two months, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives, causing sickness, death, economic loss and fear. While this global health and safety crisis has been challenging for all of us, it has been especially tough for essential ...
3 Ways China’s Transport Sector Is Working to Recover from COVID-19 Lockdowns
3 Ways China’s Transport Sector Is Working to Recover from COVID-19 Lockdowns
Ghost-like cities with deserted metro cars and empty buses have been a vivid manifestation of how COVID-19 has affected society worldwide. As elsewhere, public transport ridership in Chinese cities dipped precipitously during the early days of the pandemic. But as ...
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that effective public transport is vital to keeping cities running. By serving essential workers in health care, emergency services, food services, and other sectors, public transport has become a service not just for some people ...
Biking Provides a Critical Lifeline During the Coronavirus Crisis
Biking Provides a Critical Lifeline During the Coronavirus Crisis
As the world works to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 3.9 billion people are under full or partial lockdown orders, as of mid-April. Cities have curtailed many public transit operations because of declining ridership and health ...
From My Window: A View of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mumbai
From My Window: A View of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mumbai
Inequality is shaping how people are experiencing COVID-19 in cities to a startling degree. The vulnerability of the urban poor is striking everywhere, but the divide is more visible in some places than others. This is where I live on ...
Resilience After Recession: 4 Ways to Reboot the US Economy
Resilience After Recession: 4 Ways to Reboot the US Economy
The COVID-19 pandemic is already affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and it’s poised to get worse before it gets better. Our primary concern is for the health and welfare of all those affected. The COVID-19 outbreak’s ...
COVID-19 Could Affect Cities for Years. Here Are 4 Ways They’re Coping Now.
COVID-19 Could Affect Cities for Years. Here Are 4 Ways They’re Coping Now.
The COVID-19 pandemic is laying bare two unavoidable facts about our new reality: we are more interconnected than ever, and cities are at the frontlines of this crisis and will be at the frontlines of any similarly globalized crisis in ...
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
New Study from Bogotá Shows How Women Experience Transport Differently
Cities around the world are slowly realizing that gender dynamics play an important role in how people interact with transport systems. Taken as groups, women and men tend to have different travel patterns, different safety concerns, and even make different ...
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
California is home to 7 of the 10 most polluted metropolitan areas in the United States, with transportation being the state’s leading source of greenhouse gases. While pollution from the transport sector is bad for everyone, it disproportionately impacts people ...
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile withdrew as host of this year’s UN climate conference amid widespread unrest, but that doesn’t mean that fighting climate change should be pushed into second place behind addressing social inequality. On the contrary, the situation in Chile shows all countries that the social and climate ...
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