Posts tagged with 'public transportation'
12 Reasons Climate Action Is Good for the United States Economy
12 Reasons Climate Action Is Good for the United States Economy
The United States is the only nation that doesn’t show up in the list of countries currently committed to the Paris Agreement. But that doesn’t mean most Americans aren’t trying to do their part. In fact, U.S. states, cities and ...
To Clean Delhi’s Air, Reform Its Transport System
To Clean Delhi’s Air, Reform Its Transport System
Over the past few years, around the time when Diwali – the Hindu festival of lights and India’s biggest holiday – ends and winter sets in, Delhi’s air quality has plummeted to dangerous levels, initiating a series of debates and ...
Red Alert: 3 Strategies for Reducing Toxic Ozone Pollution
Red Alert: 3 Strategies for Reducing Toxic Ozone Pollution
High up in the stratosphere, naturally occurring ozone reflects solar radiation back into space, protecting people and the planet from harmful ultraviolet rays. But closer to Earth’s surface, rising ozone levels – formed when pollutants from a wide range of sources react ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Fastest-Growing Source of Global Emissions: Transport
Everything You Need to Know About the Fastest-Growing Source of Global Emissions: Transport
People and goods are on the move faster and farther than ever. All that movement comes at a cost – not just the sticker price of a new car, train ticket or shipping bill, but also an environmental cost. Transport, ...
Hainan Bans All Fossil Fuel Vehicles. What Does it Mean for Clean Transport in China?
Hainan Bans All Fossil Fuel Vehicles. What Does it Mean for Clean Transport in China?
In March, China’s southern island province of Hainan became the first in the country to set a date by which all sales of internal combustion engine vehicles are to be ended. Hainan’s Clean Energy Vehicle Development Plan sets out a ...
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Buses are one of the major sources of emissions in many cities, and they are undergoing a quiet revolution. A confluence of improved technology and increasing demand, driven by air pollution that is getting harder to ignore and more stringent ...
5 National Transport Policies to Build Thriving Cities
5 National Transport Policies to Build Thriving Cities
Over the past 50 years, transport planners have tended to focus on reducing congestion to improve people’s mobility within cities. But increasing road capacity, vehicle speeds and parking spaces have not solved urban traffic. Building more roads and parking just ...
Traumatized and Trapped: After Sexual Assault, How Can Cities Welcome Women Back to Public Transport?
Traumatized and Trapped: After Sexual Assault, How Can Cities Welcome Women Back to Public Transport?
Sexual assault on public transit is all too common. In Bogotá, Colombia, an incredible 37% of female riders of the bus rapid transit system report experiencing unwanted sexual contact while using the system, according to new research, funded in part ...
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
Better Transport Should Mean Better Access: Assessing Infrastructure Investments in İzmir, Turkey
The previous Map of the Month showed the power of accessibility data – comparing average travel time to different services in Mexico City – as a proxy to understand inequality in cities. But similar analyses can also help us to ...
Delhi Announces Plan to Make All Public Transport Free for Women. Will It Work?
Delhi Announces Plan to Make All Public Transport Free for Women. Will It Work?
On June 10, Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, announced a new proposal to make public transport free for women. Once cleared, the move – which will cost approximately ₹700 crore ($100 million) to the Delhi government – will make ...
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
In Mexico City, someone living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods has 28 times better access to jobs in a 30-minute trip by public transit and walking than someone living in the poorest areas. Twenty-eight times. And this says nothing ...
In African Cities, Mapping Paratransit Makes for Smarter Mobility
In African Cities, Mapping Paratransit Makes for Smarter Mobility
Hand-drawn in black marker and spanning an entire wall of Addis Ababa’s Anbessa company headquarters is a map depicting stops, timetables and fares for the city’s 73-year-old public bus system. Peeling icons and stickers tell a history of corrections and ...
People Move to Cities for Better Jobs and Opportunities. Impossible Commutes Are Getting in the Way
People Move to Cities for Better Jobs and Opportunities. Impossible Commutes Are Getting in the Way
Emmanuel leaves his home at 5 a.m. every morning with his two daughters. They take a mini-bus, or “tro-tro,” from their house in Awoshie, a residential neighborhood of Accra, Ghana, to the central business district where Emmanuel works. The trip ...
It Now Costs You £24 to Enter Central London in an Old Car
It Now Costs You £24 to Enter Central London in an Old Car
In 2003, London followed the example of Singapore and launched a congestion charge, requiring drivers to pay £11.50 ($15.90) to enter the city center and becoming a global example of how this innovative but sometimes fraught policy can work. Sixteen ...
PODCAST: Transportation Is the Heart of Cities
PODCAST: Transportation Is the Heart of Cities
When you think about how to build more resilient cities, does transportation come to mind? Whether we realize it or not, mobility – the choices we make to get where we need to go – is top of mind every ...
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