Posts tagged with 'inequality'
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile withdrew as host of this year’s UN climate conference amid widespread unrest, but that doesn’t mean that fighting climate change should be pushed into second place behind addressing social inequality. On the contrary, the situation in Chile shows all countries that the social and climate ...,_Metro_de_Santiago.jpg
What Chile’s Protests Reveal About the Country’s Transport Inequalities
At least 17 people have been killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands arrested in what is Chile’s most severe period of civil unrest in years. While President Sebastian Piñera reversed the Santiago Metro fare hikes that initially triggered outcry, protests ...
How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
How the SALURBAL Project Is Shining a Spotlight on Urban Health Inequality in Latin America
The narrative about global inequality and poverty often focuses on rural areas in the global south, with a heavy emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. But the reality is that poverty is becoming more concentrated in cities across the ...
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
In Mexico City, someone living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods has 28 times better access to jobs in a 30-minute trip by public transit and walking than someone living in the poorest areas. Twenty-eight times. And this says nothing ...
Too Many Cities Are Growing Out Rather Than Up. Three Reasons That’s a Problem.
Too Many Cities Are Growing Out Rather Than Up. Three Reasons That’s a Problem.
Imagine Lagos, Nigeria, a city of 22 million. What was once a small coastal town just a few decades ago has exploded into a sprawling megacity spanning 452 square miles. Its rapid growth has stretched the city’s services impossibly thin: ...
Johannesburg Fights Inequality with Transit-Oriented Development
Johannesburg Fights Inequality with Transit-Oriented Development
While most cities around the world struggle with inequality, in Johannesburg, South Africa, the challenge is compounded by the legacy of apartheid. In the apartheid era, black populations were relocated to the poorly serviced areas far away from job opportunities. ...
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
Amid the barrage of news about climate-related natural disasters and climate change summits, it’s important to recognize real inflection points—when there is truly cause to sit up and take note. The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC, released ...
What if Citizens Set City Budgets? An Experiment That Captivated the World – Participatory Budgeting – Might Be Abandoned in its Birthplace
What if Citizens Set City Budgets? An Experiment That Captivated the World – Participatory Budgeting – Might Be Abandoned in its Birthplace
Neighbors in Porto Alegre, Brazil, have been getting together regularly since 1989 to discuss the future of their city. Everyone is encouraged to speak at district meetings in churches, gyms and clubs, discussing everything from water supply and sewage to ...
Can Latin America Move From Quantity to Quality of Infrastructure?
Can Latin America Move From Quantity to Quality of Infrastructure?
At a recent Latin American Development Bank (CAF) Infrastructure for Development Conference in Buenos Aires, regional experts and policymakers delved into the unique urban landscape for the area, from early approaches to modern challenges around inequality and better service. Pre-Incan ...
Cleaner Air, New Jobs, Reduced Inequality: The Benefits of Low-Carbon Cities
Cleaner Air, New Jobs, Reduced Inequality: The Benefits of Low-Carbon Cities
Climate action is rarely a primary consideration when investments are made in cities. Roads and transport networks are built to improve mobility, homes to provide shelter, offices to create places to work. But with more than three-quarters of global emissions ...
Live From Transforming Transportation 2018: 'A New Idea of Liberty'
Live From Transforming Transportation 2018: ‘A New Idea of Liberty’
“We are seeing in cities around the world and transport systems around the world, the beginning of a revolution,” said World Resources President and CEO Andrew Steer in Washington today. Welcoming more than 800 transport experts, policymakers, researchers and private ...
Jenna Davis on Why Policy Reform Can Do More for Clean Water Access Than Technology
There were 663 million people without access to safe drinking water in 2015, according to the United Nations and World Health Organization. Many of those going without are from low-income households in cities across the global south. Jenna Davis, associate professor ...
Winner Take All? Richard Florida’s ‘New Urban Crisis’ Part of Growing Global Focus on Unequal Cities
Winner Take All? Richard Florida’s ‘New Urban Crisis’ Part of Growing Global Focus on Unequal Cities
Cities are growing rapidly in more places than ever before, but this growth is not always accompanied by prosperity. The specter of inequality – and fear that it could short-circuit economic development – has been rising in the global urban ...
Sheela Patel on the Urban Housing Crisis: Think Big, Act Local
Sheela Patel on the Urban Housing Crisis: Think Big, Act Local
From evictions and skyrocketing rents to substandard infrastructure and services, many residents in cities across the global south face acute housing challenges. And the problem is growing. According to estimates, one-in-three people in cities are unable to access affordable and ...
Governments must create inclusive spaces for dialogue with street vendors and craft policy to support their livelihoods and economic mobility. Photo by Carlos Penalba/Flickr.
Bridging the divide between vendors and local governments for more inclusive cities
As previously discussed on TheCityFix, many cities worldwide are facing a series of challenges around informal economic activity. As they begin to modernize and transform public spaces, street vendors are often left behind or swept away. Yet, these efforts at ...
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