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Urban sustainability trends to watch
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Urban sustainability trends to watch
With urban growth come a number of opportunities to positively transform our cities. And while the unique challenges faced by city leaders are shaped by local contexts and histories, their actions reveal broader trends in how cities worldwide are changing ...
There are many obstacles on the path towards sustainable, inclusive, healthy cities, but there's some fun along the way, too. Photo by kk9k/Flickr.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Five stories that prove building sustainable cities can be fun, too
With every year that passes, the challenges to creating the sustainable cities we want to live in seem to multiply. Our cities are growing larger, their roads are more congested, their air quality is deteriorating, and their contributions to climate ...
Raahgiri is promoting sustainable, active transport in the capital of India. Photo by Raahgiri Day, New Delhi/Facebook.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Momentum builds for the open streets movement
Do the streets in your city belong to people or cars? In more and more cities worldwide, residents are taking back their streets as public spaces. The open streets movement started in the 1970s with “Sunday Ciclovía” in Bogotá, Colombia, ...
TheCityFix’s 2014 People-oriented Cities series shows the blueprint for connected cities with high quality public transport, mixed-use transit-oriented development, and walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: What makes a people-oriented city?
Transport and urban development are inherently linked. Though the majority of residents in many of the world’s biggest cities do not own a car, cities are often designed around the needs of automobiles instead of the needs of people. In ...
Cities like Florianópolis, Brazil (pictured) are helping make investments more responsive to residents' needs through public engagement in urban mobility planning. Picture by Chan360/Flickr.
Why the public voice matters in urban mobility planning: Lessons from Brazil
Eighty-five percent of Brazilians live, work, and play in cities. As such, urban mobility is a fundamental driver of quality of life for the vast majority of the country, enabling access to jobs, healthcare, schools, and other everyday needs. In ...
This rendering from Masdar City shows one version of an ideal city of the future. What does your city look like? Photo by Forgemind Archimedia/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Write about your ideal city to win a trip to Masdar City
What will your ideal city look like in 2030? That is the question of the third annual international blogging contest hosted by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company behind Masdar City. One winner will receive a paid trip to Abu ...
With a focus on sustainable urbanism and social justice, Enrique Peñalosa used a wide variety of people-oriented policies that helped transform Bogotá. Photo by Colin Hughes/Flickr.
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Enrique Peñalosa leads Bogotá’s inclusive urban transformation
This is the seventh entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many stories, TheCityFix ...
The redesigned platform shows the global rise in bus rapid transit and bus priority corridors, and allows users to compare bus systems across a wide range of metrics. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
189 cities and counting: Track the growth of bus rapid transit on the redesigned!
Every day, more than 31 million people use bus rapid transit (BRT) systems and bus corridors in 189 cities. From Istanbul to Mexico City, BRT is saving people time, improving the environment, and making cities safer, more sustainable places to ...
As Indian cities invest in information technology services, minimum standards should require the use of visualization tools to better utilize transport data and improve bus planning. Photo by EMBARQ.
The need to visualize public transit data for better bus systems in India
Over the past decade, many transit agencies in Indian cities have implemented information technology services (ITS) to improve bus planning and operations in urban areas. These typically require huge investments financed either by the city government or by the transit ...
From developing bus rapid transit to improving public spaces, Belo Horizonte, Brazil is working to become a sustainable city. Photo by Eduardo Beltrame.
Seven ways Belo Horizonte, Brazil inspires sustainable cities
Belo Horizonte, Brazil is a city of remarkable cuisine, green spaces, and architecture. The city is increasingly designed using people-oriented urban development strategies that prioritize the people who make the city come alive. Even for outsiders, this state capital feels like ...
Peru recently received an $11 million grant from the NAMA facility that will help the country attract significant funding for its multi-billion dollar sustainable urban transport improvement plans. Photo by Anton Muhajir/Flickr.
Peru’s climate leaders awarded over $11 million for low-carbon urban transport
Peru was recently awarded €9 million ($11.14 million) for its urban transport Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) by the German and British NAMA facility. This climate finance award will allow the Peruvian government to leverage $50 million from development aid agencies – especially KfW, ...
EMBARQ India is releasing Bus Karo 2.0, which analyzes bus services in cities across India and will inform urban planners, designers, and bus operators in order to help increase bus mode share. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
Increasing Mode Share of Bus Transport in Indian Cities
Like many cities around the world, Indian cities are experiencing urbanization, motorization, and increasing congestion. Coupled with declining public transport use and infrastructure expenditures that promote a car culture by building roads and flyovers (overpasses), Indian cities are losing out ...
Leaders at COP20 can explore a range of sources for financing low-carbon urban development including multilateral investment banks, private investors, and innovative initatives like the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions or climate-themed bonds. Photo by Boris G/Flickr.
Three promising pathways to finance sustainable cities
Sustainable, accessible, thriving cities are within our reach. Investing in solutions like energy and building efficiency, integrated public transit and better land use and transit planning can improve health, quality of life and economic opportunities in cities. In fact, the ...
Five new publications from EMBARQ Brasil will help foster people-oriented cities with high quality public transport systems. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Five new resources for more sustainable Brazilian cities
In some Brazilian cities, poorly managed urban development has led to “3D” urban form – distant, dispersed, and disconnected. Over the past ten years, demand for urban public transport has decreased by 33% in Brazilian cities while car sales are ...
Rio de Janeiro is using the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) – the first internationally accepted standard for measuring city-level emissions – to inform actions on climate change. Photo by Gerben van Heijningen/Flickr.
Hundreds of cities poised to replicate Rio’s approach to measuring and reducing emissions
Rio de Janeiro is one of the world’s leading cities injecting sustainability into its planning. In 2011, Mayor Eduardo Paes enacted an ambitious climate change law, setting a goal to avoid 20% of its emissions by 2020, based on 2005 levels. There ...
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