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Want to see what the world will look like in 40 years? These maps will help you comprehend the urban growth that is transforming countries worldwide. Photo by Charlie Ma/Flickr.
Friday Fun: These maps help to visualize the world’s urban growth
We are living in the midst of the urban century. Though it is common knowledge that the world is urbanizing, it can be striking to visualize this growth on a map. This animation from Unicef maps countries’ urban populations from ...
A growing coalition of cities, NGOs, and private companies are advancing building efficiency efforts that save money and greenhouse gas emissions. Photo by Omar Barcena/Flickr.
Unlocking low-carbon growth through energy efficient cities
Urbanization is reshaping the economy, energy systems, and climate of our planet. By 2050, the world’s cities are expected to add 2.5 billion people who will need housing, hospitals, schools, and places to work. Though global greenhouse gas emissions continue ...
Dr. Leon J. Schipper, co-founder of EMBARQ
Calling young innovators: Apply for the 2015 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship!
Looking for an opportunity to catalyze sustainable, people-centered urban mobility? The Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship wants to help you transform ideas into reality. The Schipper family and EMBARQ, the sustainable transport arm of the World Resources Institute’s WRI Ross Center ...
As the impacts of climate change intensify, cities can learn from best practices to become more resilient to climate impacts. Photo by Fede Cabrera/Flickr.
Three climate adaptation lessons from Brazil’s cities
Brazil’s cities, home to 85% of the country’s population, are already feeling the effects of climate change. Intense rains and floods in Rio de Janeiro are causing fatal landslides with high social and infrastructure costs. Temperatures are climbing to record-breaking highs in Porto ...
As national leaders prepare plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions at COP20, they can look to sustainable transport for win-win solutions that curb emissions while generating jobs, boosting economic growth, and improving public health. Photo by Associacao Ciclocidade/Flickr.
Low-carbon urban transport boosts social and economic development
This week in Lima, Peru, national-level decision makers, mayors, business leaders, international finance institutions, and civil society actors come together for the COP20 climate negotiations, and the world is expecting progress towards an international climate agreement expected to be reached ...
Now in its fourth week, Mumbai’s Equal Streets movement has given citizens the opportunity to reclaim their streets as public spaces for people. Photo by Mansi Jain/ Facebook.
In photos: Mumbai celebrates four weeks of Equal Streets
Linking Road is known as one of Mumbai’s busiest streets. On any given day, it is choked with cars, taxis, buses, and rickshaws from every possible direction. In addition, noise pollution emanating from motorized vehicles has made the environment increasingly ...
Applications are open for the Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning course, a hands-on training for national, provincial, and city-level decision makers on key policy issues in urban transport and development. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Open for applications: Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning course
The World Bank and EMBARQ Mexico – in collaboration with TransMilenio S.A. – will host the third annual “Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning” course, which provides tools for systematic integrated mobility planning, corridor management, public transport planning evaluation alternatives, governance, finance, ...
Have a biker on your gift list? These products can make urban cycling even more fun. Photo by Luis Hidalgo/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Innovative gift ideas for urban cyclists
Happy Thanksgiving TheCityFix readers! For many of you, it is time to begin the search for the perfect gift for your friends and family before the holidays. If you have a cyclist on your gift list, these biking innovations could ...
New studies show that economic growth and climate action can go hand in hand through sustainable urban development strategies. Photo by Alex Prolmos/Flickr.
Cities can lead the way as drivers of better growth and a better climate
Cities can drive better economic growth while also reducing climate risk. They are at the forefront of the fight to protect the climate and eradicate poverty, and are often trailblazers in a world in which nation states typically move more ...
The second annual Livable Cities Symposium highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to define urban livability and outline best practices for bikeable, walkable cities with high quality of life. Photo by Mehmet Aktugan/Flickr.
Planning for a livable urban future: The second annual Livable Cities Symposium
How can cities harness urban mobility solutions to become more livable? The second annual Livable Cities Symposium – co-hosted by EMBARQ Turkey and the İzmir Development Agency (İZKA) – addressed this question by gathering experts from Turkey and around the ...
Preliminary figures released by the National Health System (SUS) indicate that in 2013, the number of fatalities in Brazilian traffic fell 10% compared to 2012. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
New data indicates Brazil’s streets are getting safer
From 2009 to 2012, the number of traffic deaths on Brazilian streets has increased gradually each year – peaking in 2012, when 44,800 people lost their lives in traffic crashes. However, preliminary data from the National Health System (SUS) indicates ...
One of the best ways cities can promote cycling might have nothing to do with biking itself. These innovations make bike parking easier, improving transport access, giving bikers peace of mind, and saving urban space. Photo by Joe Newman/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Two genius bike-parking ideas give cyclists a care-free commute
For urban commuters, a safe, convenient place to store their bike can be the difference between choosing to cycle and needing to drive. Even in bicycle-friendly cities, cyclists can still face the challenge of having to lug their bike on ...
Sustainable transport plays an important role in helping Chinese cities address their debilitating air pollution. Photo by Da Yang/Flickr.
China’s clean air challenge: The health impacts of transport emissions
This is the first post of the China’s Clean Air Challenge series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series examines the increasing social, environmental, and economic impacts of the serious air quality issue in Chinese cities, and investigates the source of emissions ...
EMBARQ Turkey's Livable Cities Symposium will highlight the importance of bikeability and walkability in creating livable cities for all. Join the discussion online using #LivableCities. Photo by Marko Anastasov/Flickr.
Enhancing livability in Turkey and in cities worldwide
Over the past half-century, the world has urbanized at an unprecedented pace. In 1970, about 37% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This number rose to 45% in 1990, 54% in 2014, and is expected to reach 66% by 2050. Much of this urban ...
As motorcycle fleets grow in cities worldwide, governments must prioritize improving street design and alternative mobility options to slow the rise in motorcycle crashes. Photo by Frank/Flickr.
Growing motorcycle use creates a global safety challenge
Cities worldwide face the pressing challenge of growing motorcycle fleets and remarkable increases in related traffic fatalities. With streets ill-prepared and motor-bikes whizzing in every direction, the scene might best be described as urban transport anarchy. The problem is especially ...
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