Posts tagged with 'Washington, D.C.'
Holland's Female Walk Signs
Holland's Female Walk Signs
The Dutch town of Haarlem has walk and don’t walk signs that are women instead of men. We should too. Not only is it important on gender grounds—those little walking people are just one more place where ungendered turns out ...
Deeds Offers Smart Growth, McDonnell Offers Details
Deeds Offers Smart Growth, McDonnell Offers Details
Now that there’s significantly more information available than a short AP article, I thought it might be useful to compare the fairly extensive transportation plans of the two candidates for governor of Virginia. Let’s start with Bob McDonnell and really ...
Bob McDonnell's Transportation Plan Is No Good for NoVa
Bob McDonnell's Transportation Plan Is No Good for NoVa
Bob McDonnell’s plan for fixing transportation in Virginia (am I the only one who is consistently surprised when transportation is one of the most important issues there?) seems to consist of only tolls and  more highway spending. Moreover, these don’t ...
Parlor Game: Where Should Sotomayor Live?
Parlor Game: Where Should Sotomayor Live?
I hadn’t noticed this fun parlor game of an article in Sunday’s Post: “Where Should Sonia Sotomayor Live?” It’s really further proof, along with good restaurants, that D.C. is becoming more like New York; we talk about real estate! Unfortunately, ...
The Odd Professional Congestion Consensus
The Odd Professional Congestion Consensus
Dr. Gridlock received an e-mail with a set of suggestions for how to reduce congestion in downtown D.C. He responds by giving his own list, which basically consists of enforcing double-parking laws, not building more parking downtown and then implementing ...
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Ohio’s got a big plan to pay for its share of a new rail line from Cleveland through Columbus to Cincinnati, and it’s one of those things you just can’t believe doesn’t already exist.. According to the AP, they’ve renegotiated ...
Can D.C. Learn from New York's Success?
Can D.C. Learn from New York's Success?
There is something distinctive about living in New York; over eight million other people are doing it – Don Herold. Ed Glaeser has another of his very smart, well-informed, but entirely frustrating columns up, this time at Forbes. Glaeser is ...
D.C. Wireless Hotspot Map
D.C. Wireless Hotspot Map
I just learned, via DCist, that the District offers a map of all the city-operated WiFi hotspots around town. Good for them. I can imagine this being extremely useful to people looking for a place to work for an hour ...
Does the Recession Make Us Want To Share Or Just to Save?
Does the Recession Make Us Want To Share Or Just to Save?
It’s always exciting to see a colleague’s picture in the newspaper. Fellow EMBARQer Chris Ganson made it onto the Washington Post’s cover for riding SmartBike! Very cool. The article looked at how the recession has made us want to share ...
The Post Wins Most Improved Player Award
The Post Wins Most Improved Player Award
Without getting into the merits of the plan, I do want to commend the Post for writing an almost entirely pro-urbanist article about the White Flint plan. Greater Greater Washington wrote about how when two other Post writers wrote about ...
Living in a Symbolic City
Living in a Symbolic City
This is one of the only times I’ve ever seen Walmart look like they’re going to lose a battle. Democratic Governor Tim Kaine and Republican Speaker William Howell have come together, along with both candidates in the 2009 governor’s race, ...
Learning to Love L'Enfant
Learning to Love L'Enfant
Generally, I’m not such a fan of the L’Enfant plan for D.C. I’m from Boston originally, and always feel more at home on illogically winding streets than rationalist straight lines. I think that the L’Enfant plan also makes it easier ...
An Easy Fix: Build Out New Hampshire Ave Sidewalk
An Easy Fix: Build Out New Hampshire Ave Sidewalk
Mostly I’m skeptical of small attempts to reclaim a particular patch of land from cars. I don’t generally think that the war will be won battling block by block, but rather through macro policy shifts. But sometimes there’s a site ...
Ray LaHood Speaks at Center for National Policy
Ray LaHood Speaks at Center for National Policy
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood gave a talk today at the Center for National Policy (great name for a think-tank, no?) about the economic impact of transportation. In other words, he spoke about how awesome the stimulus is. According to ...
What's Going on in D.C. Development Politics?
What's Going on in D.C. Development Politics?
Funny business abounded in D.C. development news yesterday. I’m not sure what to make of it, so if you have any sense, please help me out. First, the Washington Business Journal reported that Councilmembers Mary Cheh and Kwame Brown have ...
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