Posts tagged with 'Washington, D.C.'
In all likelihood corn from fields like this one in Iowa will be used to fuel American cars. Photo by Homemade. In the last few months, high-profile senators like Obama, Clinton, Kerry, McCain, and Lieberman have all introduced important climate ...
Photo by gisleh from Flickr. On Friday, the US House of Representative voted 235-181 to approve a major energy bill that would substantially raise fuel efficiency standards for the first time since 1975 when the OPEC oil embargoes, triggering oil ...
According to Leinberger, Washington’s metro has encouraged walkability. Photo by MatthewBradley from Flickr. According to a study put out by Christopher B. Leinberger of the Brookings Institute, Washington DC has the most “walkable places” – it has 20 – per ...
If you live in a suburb like this one in Las Vegas, it might be hard to walk to the grocery store. Photo by ulybug of Flickr. While surfing the web I found this very interesting website, Walk Score, that ...
Photo from the Washington Post. On Sunday, The Washington Post Magazine ran a cover story describing the transport woes Washington DC-area residents face as they move further and further outside the suburbs in order to escape the ever-expanding sprawl. Marc ...
Will DC become more mass transport friendly? Washington DC’s famous — or should I say infamous? — ex-mayor and Council Member Marion Barry proposed a plan this Tuesday to explore the possibility of implementing a congestion pricing scheme for the ...
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