Posts tagged with 'data'
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted public transportation as an essential service for the functioning of all cities. But especially for many women, the closures and general instability of public transit systems have meant loss of access to services and customers ...
Remote sensing has revolutionized how we measure and understand the Earth. We can now track deforestation across the globe, predict end-of-season crop yields and identify wildfires in near real-time. But exploration into its possibilities for urban areas has only just begun. ...
Plummeting bus and train ridership, lost jobs, overflowing warehouses, more inequality: 2020’s disruptions to the transport sector were widespread and deep. Speaking at Transforming Transportation 2021, co-hosted by WRI and the World Bank, sustainable mobility leaders from around the world ...
At one point, in a history that now feels more like a mythical past, grocery, food delivery and online shopping felt like a “nice-to-have” for most people. But in a matter of days, the COVID-19 pandemic turned on-demand delivery services ...
Cities are redefining their relationship with transport and it’s some of the smallest vehicles that are leading the way. Shared bike services, e-bikes, scooters and mopeds, together known as micromobility, are proliferating in the urban landscape. Recent changes in mobility ...
In 2015, the City of Oslo, Norway, made a commitment after years of rising transportation injuries to reduce car traffic and prioritize the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and the environment. Unlike in the United States and other countries where transportation ...
For years, city governments in the United States have taken the lead on committing to climate action, with more than 165 cities aiming for 100% community-wide clean energy. But whether ambitious goals translate to ambitious action is another question altogether, and ...
Cities are a core driver of climate change, accounting for more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. Precisely because they are such big GHG emitters, cities can be at the forefront in tackling climate change by leading the switch to clean energy. ...
This article was originally published on Global Dashboard, as part of their Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on Long Crisis Scenarios. For professional optimists like me in the business of advancing an alternative, more wholesome economic model, the temptation can ...
Between the 1918 flu pandemic and the 2020 COVID-19 crisis, our ability to understand the effects of infectious diseases has increased exponentially. Networked personal devices and automated sensors are now ubiquitous, not to mention communications technologies like the internet that ...
In many cities, lockdowns have forced large numbers of people into an impossible dilemma: follow social distancing guidelines or be deprived of their livelihoods and basic services. Unlike most places, South Korea and its capital, Seoul, took a markedly different ...
As the world reels from the COVID-19 pandemic, investment packages are taking shape to provide relief and recovery. Cities from New York to Nairobi are not only on the frontlines of the health and economic impacts, but they provide immense ...
Across the world, from Wuhan to New York City, cities are on the frontline of the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. Starting with overwhelmed heath care systems, cities are experiencing unprecedented strain across social, economic and environmental systems as economies grind to ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
COVID-19 is shutting down urban transportation networks around the world. But to “flatten the curve” and save lives, critical frontline health workers still need to get to work. In Bogotá, Colombia, where the city has already experimented with providing emergency ...
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