Posts tagged with 'cycling'
Bike Sharing Is Now a Viable Commuting Choice in São Paulo and Porto Alegre
Bike Sharing Is Now a Viable Commuting Choice in São Paulo and Porto Alegre
New mobility is changing the way we move around cities. It’s also shifting our perception of how we do so. While bicycles may seem more aligned with “old” rather than “new” mobility, bike-sharing systems are transforming the way we see ...
5 Challenges and Solutions to Building Bike-Friendly Cities in Turkey
5 Challenges and Solutions to Building Bike-Friendly Cities in Turkey
The diverse economic, social and physical benefits of bicycling are no secret, yet many cities are hesitant to better accommodate growing numbers of bicycles on their streets. In October, WRI Turkey Sustainable Cities organized a workshop with representatives from 16 ...
8 Ways to Reduce Road Fatalities Using the ‘Safe System’ Approach
8 Ways to Reduce Road Fatalities Using the ‘Safe System’ Approach
Despite more than 1.35 million lives lost on the roads each year, traffic-related fatalities aren’t given the same media or political attention as plane, train or boat disasters. Indeed, some view these tragedies as commonplace or unavoidable – but they ...
China Elevates Bike Lanes to a New Level
China Elevates Bike Lanes to a New Level
Today’s streets are contested spaces. There seems to be an ongoing, intensifying competition between cars, bikes and pedestrians, trying to get from point A to B as quickly as possible. How do they all share the limited space available in ...
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
From space, cities can look like microscopic living organisms, with bright nodes of industrial and civic activity connected by circulating routes of traffic and transport. Some cities are taking this analogy to a new level with an “urban metabolic” approach ...
Need New Ideas to Advance Public Transport? Look to Vienna
Need New Ideas to Advance Public Transport? Look to Vienna
European cities by and large have a sterling reputation when it comes to walkability and public transportation. Recent data compiled by Ralph Buheler, John Pucher and Alan Altshuler in the International Journal of Sustainable Transportation show that between 1989 and ...
The New Climate Economy Will Be Powered by Compact Cities: Report
The New Climate Economy Will Be Powered by Compact Cities: Report
Bold action on climate change could deliver $26 trillion in cumulative economic benefits by 2030, according to a new report by the New Climate Economy (NCE). Without immediate action to cut emissions, the costs of “runaway” climate change will be severe: ...
6 Transport Solutions to Give İzmir’s Historic Center Back to the People
6 Transport Solutions to Give İzmir’s Historic Center Back to the People
With 5,000 years of history and culture, the city of İzmir along the Ionian Coast is one of Turkey’s most remarkable urban areas. It’s a unique nexus between the past and present, with a variety of archaeological conservation sites but also Turkey’s ...
Do More Cyclists Mean a Happier City? Yes and No
Do More Cyclists Mean a Happier City? Yes and No
Across Colombia’s cities, bicycle users are the most satisfied commuters, according to a new survey. In 2016, 86 percent of bicyclists in 18 cities were satisfied with their commutes, compared to just 48 percent for mass transit and 74 percent ...
From China to Colombia, 5 Cities Making Streets Safer by Design
From China to Colombia, 5 Cities Making Streets Safer by Design
In 2015, the global community committed to halving road deaths and serious injuries by 2020. But city streets are still not safe. More than 3,200 road fatalities occur every day, and this number is expected to increase threefold by 2030, ...
Cleaner Air, New Jobs, Reduced Inequality: The Benefits of Low-Carbon Cities
Cleaner Air, New Jobs, Reduced Inequality: The Benefits of Low-Carbon Cities
Climate action is rarely a primary consideration when investments are made in cities. Roads and transport networks are built to improve mobility, homes to provide shelter, offices to create places to work. But with more than three-quarters of global emissions ...
Q&A with Winnie Mitullah on Integrating Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities
Q&A with Winnie Mitullah on Integrating Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities
This series, supported by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, discusses walking and cycling in cities with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries. Walking and cycling are the dominant modes of transport in African cities, and too often it’s ...
Q&A with Davis Wang: Beyond Bicycles, Financial Sustainability, and Why Mobike Is a Public Transport Company
Q&A with Davis Wang: Beyond Bicycles, Financial Sustainability, and Why Mobike Is a Public Transport Company
WRI Ross Center sat down with Mobike CEO Davis Wang at Transforming Transportation 2018 to talk about Mobike’s explosive global growth, next steps for more integrated urban mobility, and the company’s place in the crowded and growing global transport sector. ...
Dockless Bike-Sharing Is Reshaping Cities – But We’re Not Sure How Yet
Dockless Bike-Sharing Is Reshaping Cities – But We’re Not Sure How Yet
Bike sharing systems in busy urban cores are not new. The first major breakthrough started 20 years ago with the so-called “third generation” of bike sharing systems introducing the use of smart cards to unlock and rent bikes. Today, bike ...
Davis Wang: Mobike Now Serves 4 Million People a Day in Beijing
Davis Wang: Mobike Now Serves 4 Million People a Day in Beijing
China has more than 16 million bikes on the streets today that don’t belong to anyone and pass from rider to rider with the tap of a smartphone. With the new addition of new dockless models, many are simply left ...
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