Posts tagged with 'cycling'
How Cities Can Beat the (Extreme) Heat
How Cities Can Beat the (Extreme) Heat
In January 2024, the Central Business District of Cape Town, South Africa, endured a historically brutal day of heat: temperatures climbed to 44 degrees C – the highest ever measured in the city. But on that same day, people in other parts ...
Ciclovía at 50: What We Can Learn from Bogotá's Open Streets Initiative
Ciclovía at 50: What We Can Learn from Bogotá’s Open Streets Initiative
Livability is key to the quality of city life as we look to the future. We don’t have to look far into that future to see how this plays out on the streets. On Sunday, December 15, 1974, a group ...
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
Moving around cities in a variety of ways is getting easier and more convenient: whether it’s improved public transportation systems, wider sidewalks or more dedicated bike lanes. With the rise of smartphone technology and GPS, shared mobility services — like ...
To Meet 2030 Targets, Cities Need Systems Change
To Meet 2030 Targets, Cities Need Systems Change
Cities are not just places where people live—they are interconnected networks of people, services and economic activity. A city is a system of systems, bringing together transportation, energy, buildings, water, waste management and more. Transforming these interconnected systems is vital ...
E-Tricycles Are Powering a Recycling Revolution in Fortaleza, Brazil
E-Tricycles Are Powering a Recycling Revolution in Fortaleza, Brazil
Rafaela Aires’s workday starts at 9:00 a.m., leading her down city streets that weave past the Atlantic shoreline and under concrete overpasses. Her collected bottles and cardboard boxes used to form heaps in a hand-drawn cart. Now, they rattle in ...
Pioneering Sustainable Urban Mobility: Detroit, Varanasi and Venice Lead Global Challenge
Pioneering Sustainable Urban Mobility: Detroit, Varanasi and Venice Lead Global Challenge
In the face of rapid urbanization, evolving mobility patterns and the looming climate crisis, the Sustainable Cities Challenge emerges as a pioneering initiative providing a catalytic approach to drive progress. Launched by the Toyota Mobility Foundation in collaboration with WRI ...
Is Your Commute Harming Your Health?
Is Your Commute Harming Your Health?
Daily commutes via car have evolved into more than mere trips – they greatly influence both our mental and physical well-being. Research shows that relentless car journeys don’t just occupy our time, they significantly shape our mood and overall outlook ...
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
If a picture can tell a whole story, then the image below of an intersection in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, shows the past, present and future of global transformation in the transport sector. During Transforming Transportation 2024, which focused on ...
Despite Volatility, Micromobility Thrives in European Cities
Despite Volatility, Micromobility Thrives in European Cities
Since the mid-2010s, cities around the globe have witnessed the explosion of free-floating electric bikes, mopeds and scooters on their streets. NUMO, the New Urban Mobility alliance, began tracking this phenomenon in 2019 with the New Mobility Atlas. Between 2019 and ...
How 'Complete Streets' Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
How ‘Complete Streets’ Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
Urban development in many cities around the world prioritizes making space for cars over pedestrians, cyclists or public transportation. In Brazil, this design led to an average of more than 30,000 annual road crash fatalities nationwide by the turn of the century, ...
No Safe Journeys for Women: Why Mobility Systems in African Cities Are Failing Women’s Needs
No Safe Journeys for Women: Why Mobility Systems in African Cities Are Failing Women’s Needs
For a woman living in an African city, public transport can be a daunting experience. Women usually plan their trips in advance, and consider a multitude of factors before setting out: What is the safest way to reach the bus ...
Post-Pandemic, Public Transport Needs to Get Back on Track to Meet Global Climate Goals
Post-Pandemic, Public Transport Needs to Get Back on Track to Meet Global Climate Goals
Public transport is one of the best, most cost-effective solutions available to address today’s climate and development challenges. Buses and trains can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to two-thirds per passenger, per kilometer compared to private vehicles. The UN’s latest ...
Lessons From China, India, Vietnam on National Transport Ambitions and Accelerating Decarbonization
Lessons From China, India, Vietnam on National Transport Ambitions and Accelerating Decarbonization
In Asia, 14 countries — accounting for 26% of global transport emissions in 2019 — have made economy-wide net zero commitments. Momentum towards zero-emission transport is growing with countries enhancing ambition and including transport-related targets in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). However, ...
Southeast Asian Cities Have Some of the Most Polluted Air in the World. El Niño Is Making it Worse
Southeast Asian Cities Have Some of the Most Polluted Air in the World. El Niño Is Making it Worse
Residents of Jakarta, Indonesia woke up on August 31, 2023, to a thick blanket of haze and news that their city was again ranked the most polluted in the world — one of many times during the last several months when air quality became ...
Tracking Climate Action: How the World Can Still Limit Warming to 1.5 Degrees C
Tracking Climate Action: How the World Can Still Limit Warming to 1.5 Degrees C
Today’s climate change headlines often seem at odds with each other. One day, it’s catastrophic wildfires wreaking havoc around the world; the next, it’s an optimistic piece on the rapid scale-up of solar and wind power. Taken together, such stories ...
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