Posts tagged with 'cycling'
Is the recession putting the brakes on sustainable transportation projects? Not at colleges and universities, it seems. The 2010 College Sustainability Report Card, released earlier this month, gave 105 institutions an “A” for transportation. Only 34 schools received that grade ...
Tomorrow is the International Day of Climate Action, an international movement launched by environmentalist and activist Bill McKibben of The 350 campaign encourages people around the world to organize an “action” — a music and arts festival, kite flying event, ...
While TheCityFix has made the case for the pedicab before, it’s always good (but rare) to see a writer from the “mainstream media” lauding the three-wheeled transport option. The Times’ Ariel Kaminar’s sensitive and experiential inquiry provides helpful insight into, and light-hearted ...
Following all the excitement of Walk 21, where the advantages of walking and bicycling infrastructure frequently took center stage, it’s a bit sobering to take note of what happens in the absence of such facilities. linked yesterday to a ...
A temporary bike share (courtesy of the Dutch Embassy) was definitely one of the highlights of my recent trip to New York City, which all year has been celebrating the 400th anniversary of Captain Henry Hudson’s voyage to “New Amsterdam,” ...
Bikestation is set to unveil its newest bicycle parking facility outside of Union Station on Friday during a ribbon-cutting ceremony, scheduled for 10:30 a.m. The grand opening is hosted by Bikestation, the District Department of Transportation, and Bike and Roll. ...
Coming from Los Angeles, New York City's bicycling infrastructure seems to shout fearless innovation, especially in the effort and artistry exerted to smartly bridge gaps in the city's bikeway networks.
Image from Moving Cooler. If anyone’s not seen it yet, the new Moving Cooler report is destined to be a real landmark moment in United States sustainable transportation. It’s quite rare to see any sort of think tank or government ...
A few highlights from our TheCityFix DC site-if you’re not reading it regularly, you’re missing out: LEED Neighborhood Development Wants You to Build More More More: Why doesn’t LEED-ND certify already existing neighborhoods? It’s one more example of green consumerism, ...
Forwarded to us from EMBARQ Senior Fellow Lee Schipper:
Originally posted at TheCityFix DC. Montreal’s Public Bike System (PBS), also known as “Bixi,” provides a competitive alternative to the bikes-for-advertising business model. Photo by amlibrarian. It seems that D.C.’s 10,000+ SmartBike members may have to wait some time for ...
Freiburg, Germany is one of the most livable and people-oriented cities in the world. Photo by Roby©. Transport and urban development policies in European cities are recognized as being more balanced than those of the rest of the world, resulting ...
A woman rides her electric bike without a helmet in Beijing. Photo by Ethnocentrics. From On the Streets of China, Electric Bikes Are Swarming June 14, 2009 By Austin Ramzy In China, electric bicycles are leaving cars in the ...
EMBARQ presents a slideshow about the concept of “Mobility Management (MM)” in San Sebastian, Spain. View the entire slideshow here. Mobility Management At the core of Mobility Management are “soft” measures like information and communication, organising services and coordinating activities ...
Students from Appalachian State University figured out how to make working bicycles out of recycled plastic bottles. Image from A friend of mine from high school was part of the winning team that took home the grand prize for ...
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