Posts tagged with 'cycling'
Would you be happier commuting on a bike path floating on London’s Thames River? Photo by Chris R/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Is the future for London’s cyclists on the river, the street, or both?
TheCityFix recently examined some of the most innovative bicycling infrastructure projects in cities worldwide, but a recent proposal for an eight-mile floating bike path on London’s River Thames might top these in originality. The “Thames Deckway” would cut through the heart of the ...
São Paulo’s MobiLab shows how cities can empower citizens to create mobility solutions through opening data and supporting innovation. Photo by Igor Schutz/Flickr.
How technology can transform urban mobility: A Q&A with São Paulo’s Ciro Biderman
São Paulo’s transport systems generate 30 million data points every day, an amount that exceeds even the city’s 23 million daily trips. Using this data to improve urban mobility is a challenge, but also a key opportunity for cities. That’s where MobiLab, ...
In photos: Bolivia’s day of the pedestrian and cyclist
In photos: Bolivia’s day of the pedestrian and cyclist
On the first Sunday in September, 2014, cities across Bolivia closed their roads for the fourth annual “Day of the Pedestrian and Cyclist in Defense of Mother Earth.” The event, often referred to simply as the “Day of the Pedestrian,” is an ...
By supporting active transport, planners can limit road crashes and help people to incorporate healthy physical activity into their commute. Photo by Shreyans Bhansali/Flickr.
By the numbers: Sustainable mobility improves health and road safety
Claudia Adriazola, Health and Road Safety Director for EMBARQ – producer of TheCityFix – spoke with David Thorpe of the Sustainable Cities Collective about challenges, trends and best practices in sustainable transport and road safety. Among other topics, Adriazola and ...
Do you enjoy your commute? Innovative bike infrastructure can make cycling a fast, fun transport option. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Cycling innovations make bikeable cities worldwide
Instead of sitting in gridlock on a busy road at 8:30 am, imagine cycling safely in dedicated lanes for a quick, pleasant commute. Many cities around the world are making investments that will give residents a faster, safer cycling experience ...
Madeline Brozen, 2014 Lee Schipper Scholar. Photo via Madeline Brozen.
Who are our streets for?: A Q&A with 2014 Lee Schipper Scholar Madeline Brozen
Madeline Brozen is a Program Manager within UCLA’s Complete Streets Initiative and a recipient of the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship. Her research focuses on urban design policy, with an emphasis on how cities can shift from car-oriented streets to ...
Mexico City’s new mobility law prioritizes alternatives to car transport. Photo by karmacamilleeon/Flickr.
Mexico City’s new mobility law shifts focus towards people, not cars
Sustainable mobility is a key challenge for city leaders. Mexico City – the world’s fourth most populous city, with more than 20 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area – is no different. The city must overcome a long history of urban ...
Raahgiri is promoting sustainable, active transport in the capital of India. Photo by Raahgiri Day, New Delhi/Facebook.
Friday Fun: Delhi announces Raahgiri at the center of week-long Independence Day celebrations
Delhi’s government just announced a week of Independence Day celebrations culminating in a Raahgiri event at Chandni Chowk. Raahgiri Day first came to Delhi in July as a weekly event that closes city streets to cars to celebrate walking, biking, ...
Congestion pricing has the potential to pave the way for more equitable mobility in China's cities. Photo by GuoZhongHua/Shutterstock.
Congestion pricing can make Beijing a more equitable city
China’s capital city of Beijing is already home to 5.4 million cars, the most of any Chinese city. The country’s rising wealth means that this is a trend unlikely to stop. This rapid motorization has led to many city government ...
Cinema has the power to influence our perceptions on sustainable transport, and confront us with tough questions about the future of urban transport. Photo by Tama Leaver/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Cinema shows the power of sustainable transport
Movies have the power to shape our perceptions of love, of adventure, and of growing up. More subtly, movies also have the ability to shape our perceptions of small things, like how we interpret different cities, clothing brands, and even transport ...
Raahgiri Day, a day in which streets are closed to cars and open to pedestrians and cyclists is a time to celebrate community and human-centered mobility that is swiftly expanding throughout India. Photo by EMBARQ.
Scaling up sustainability: ‘Raahgiri Day’ comes to New Delhi
Raahgiri Day, the weekly event that closes city streets to cars to celebrate walking, biking, music-making, and socializing, has expanded beyond Gurgaon, India. The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) together with the New Delhi Police Department has decided to stage ...
Although Brazil has taken criticism for World Cup infrastructure investments, examples like Belo Horizonte's MOVE bus rapid transit (BRT) system show how a project can serve visitors and also provide lasting impacts for the people of Brazil. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
To Maracanã and beyond: World Cup brings sustainable transport benefits to Brazil
World Cup fans may be focused on the games, but critics are paying attention to another aspect of the event—its price tag. Brazil spent billions of dollars on World Cup infrastructure, and many are understandably questioning the long-term benefits these ...
literature, just like sustainable mobility, allows people to be transported to distant cities, or different realms. Photo by Erin Nekervis/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Transport yourself through the world of literature
Whether going to Brazil, the beach, or just the backyard this summer, National Public Radio (NPR) Books has your reading needs covered with its Book Your Trip series. This special series features book lists organized by mode of transport, because ...
Copenhagen, Denmark, is welcoming for both pedestrians and bikers because of the people-centered urban design principles that Jan Gehl spearheaded. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Jan Gehl integrates humanity into urban design
This is the fourth entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many ...
In a new study on the connection between mood and transport, bicyclists were found to be the happiest, giving one more reason to choose sustainable mobility. Photo by Onny Carr/Flickr.
Mobility and mood: Does your commute make you happy?
There is a complex connection between the environments we inhabit and the way we feel. For instance, urban physicists have studied how rain and wind influence walking patterns, environmental psychologists have researched how the presence of nature influences well-being, and ...
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