Posts tagged with 'community engagement'
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
In some ways, cities are like households: they must make adjustments in spending based on cash flow. If your income is cut in half, then you may have to dramatically rethink your standard of living. COVID-19 has hit many households ...
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Since its beginning in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has become a global movement to prevent road fatalities and serious injuries by undertaking a Safe System approach to road safety. But despite the documented successes of the approach in ...
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sustainable Food Production for a Resilient Rosario won the 2020-2021 Prize for Cities on June 29, 2021. Learn more here. (June 29, 2021) City life can be deeply unfair. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how ...
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
The climate change crisis continues to create unprecedented risk for humanity. Extreme weather threatens food security, increases poverty and inequality and contributes to the spread of disease. Now, also faced with the economic fallout from COVID-19, billions of people are struggling to ...
Daring Cities’ Final Session Balances Inspiring Examples with Challenges Ahead
Daring Cities’ Final Session Balances Inspiring Examples with Challenges Ahead
It was a contrast of opportunities and challenges confronting cities around the world highlighted at the Daring Cities forum’s final session on October 28, the culmination of three weeks, 400 speakers and 200 hours of dialogue and knowledge exchange. Mayor ...
Green Space: An Underestimated Tool to Create More Equal Cities
Green Space: An Underestimated Tool to Create More Equal Cities
As coronavirus restrictions ease around the world, many consider a walk around their neighborhood for some fresh air to be a welcome break from confinement. However, socioeconomic status could greatly affect the landscapes people find on these strolls, particularly in how much ...
6 Keys to Turn Coastal Resilience Plans into Action
6 Keys to Turn Coastal Resilience Plans into Action
Cyclone Amphan slammed into countries surrounding the Sea of Bengal this May. The storm was the second most powerful the region has seen in two decades, affecting over 12 million people in four countries. In Bangladesh, the water surged up to 4 ...
3 Hurdles to Racial Justice in Clean Energy – and 3 Ways US Cities Can Overcome Them
3 Hurdles to Racial Justice in Clean Energy – and 3 Ways US Cities Can Overcome Them
For years, city governments in the United States have taken the lead on committing to climate action, with more than 165 cities aiming for 100% community-wide clean energy. But whether ambitious goals translate to ambitious action is another question altogether, and ...
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
Cities in Africa are in something of a quandary when it comes to COVID-19. To date, the impact of the disease has been much less than most experts predicted. As of this writing, the continent has had over 890,000 confirmed ...
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
When was the last time you walked through the market without being conscious about other people walking close to you or the last time you took a stroll to a neighborhood park without thinking about the hygiene around? The COVID-19 ...
Street Transformations to Fight COVID-19: 3 Ways to Create Lasting Change
Street Transformations to Fight COVID-19: 3 Ways to Create Lasting Change
As the COVID-19 outbreak disrupts mobility worldwide, more and more cities are transforming their streets to increase space for walking and cycling and reduce car use during and after the pandemic. These changes are designed to help people get around ...
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
As the world reels from the COVID-19 pandemic, investment packages are taking shape to provide relief and recovery. Cities from New York to Nairobi are not only on the frontlines of the health and economic impacts, but they provide immense ...
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
How Will COVID-19 Affect Urban Planning?
How Will COVID-19 Affect Urban Planning?
The impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic are still being understood, but it does seem clear that this crisis will make a mark on cities, physically and socially, that will echo for generations. How we plan our cities has always ...
Photo Essay: After Successful Test, Porto Alegre’s João Alfredo Gets a ‘Complete Streets’ Transformation
Photo Essay: After Successful Test, Porto Alegre’s João Alfredo Gets a ‘Complete Streets’ Transformation
In April 2019, Porto Alegre worked with WRI Brasil to implement the first segment of a tactical urbanism project that transformed a key intersection of busy João Alfredo Street, which runs through the heart of the Cidade Baixa neighborhood. The ...
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