Posts tagged with 'Chile'
Countries Have Been Overlooking Their Biggest Climate Allies: Local and Regional Governments
Countries Have Been Overlooking Their Biggest Climate Allies: Local and Regional Governments
Cities are home to more than half the world’s population: 4.4 billion people commuting, working, eating, shopping, and using light, heat and air conditioning. As a result, cities collectively produce over 70% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions warming the planet. They ...
Advancing Just Transitions in the Built Environment
Advancing Just Transitions in the Built Environment
Climate change and social inequality are two of the most pressing challenges of our time. But, in the race to net zero, a narrow focus on decarbonization risks exacerbating inequality and results in a rising tide of “greenlash” (backlash against ...
E-Buses: Operational Tests and Customer Surveys Facilitate Transition and Highlight Benefits
E-Buses: Operational Tests and Customer Surveys Facilitate Transition and Highlight Benefits
The adoption of any new technology involves some degree of adaptation, and battery electric buses (e-buses) are no exception. After decades of experience with diesel vehicles, cities and operators need to understand the technical and operational specifications of e-buses to ...
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
If a picture can tell a whole story, then the image below of an intersection in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, shows the past, present and future of global transformation in the transport sector. During Transforming Transportation 2024, which focused on ...
5 Countries Taking Action to Reach Net-Zero Targets
5 Countries Taking Action to Reach Net-Zero Targets
To date, over 90 countries have set net-zero emissions targets, committing to help prevent the most harmful impacts from climate change. But questions remain around the credibility of many of these pledges and whether these goals will be met. Together, countries with net-zero targets — which ...
Chile, Mexico and Colombia Making Strides in Road Safety Legislation
Chile, Mexico and Colombia Making Strides in Road Safety Legislation
The grave consequences of road traffic crashes are not a common theme in election campaigns. Nevertheless, the legislatures of Chile, Mexico and Colombia have recently advanced or are in the midst of debating valuable legislation to reduce traffic deaths and ...
Bringing Actionable Climate Adaptation Data to More Cities
Bringing Actionable Climate Adaptation Data to More Cities
A river runs through it, but drought and fire are among the critical threats facing the city of Vitacura, home to 85,000 people on the periphery of Chile’s capital, Santiago. Five years on from a forest fire and regularly recording ...
Transport and Inequality: Why Disparities in Access Matter in Cities
Transport and Inequality: Why Disparities in Access Matter in Cities
They marched for human rights, for health care and education, but they came for the metro system, burning and damaging more than 86 stations across the city. Massive protests in Santiago last October forced the government to agree to rewrite ...
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that effective public transport is vital to keeping cities running. By serving essential workers in health care, emergency services, food services, and other sectors, public transport has become a service not just for some people ...
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile’s Protests Offer Lessons on Social Inequality and Climate Action
Chile withdrew as host of this year’s UN climate conference amid widespread unrest, but that doesn’t mean that fighting climate change should be pushed into second place behind addressing social inequality. On the contrary, the situation in Chile shows all countries that the social and climate ...
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
4 Priorities for the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid
It has been a tumultuous time for the UN climate talks. The mass protests against social inequality in Chile prompted the country to give up its plan to host COP25 just a month before the annual talks were scheduled to begin in December. But ...,_Metro_de_Santiago.jpg
What Chile’s Protests Reveal About the Country’s Transport Inequalities
At least 17 people have been killed, hundreds more injured, and thousands arrested in what is Chile’s most severe period of civil unrest in years. While President Sebastian Piñera reversed the Santiago Metro fare hikes that initially triggered outcry, protests ...
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Is It Worth It to Go Electric? New Tool Helps Cities Understand Costs & Benefits of Clean Buses
Buses are one of the major sources of emissions in many cities, and they are undergoing a quiet revolution. A confluence of improved technology and increasing demand, driven by air pollution that is getting harder to ignore and more stringent ...
Johannesburg Fights Inequality with Transit-Oriented Development
Johannesburg Fights Inequality with Transit-Oriented Development
While most cities around the world struggle with inequality, in Johannesburg, South Africa, the challenge is compounded by the legacy of apartheid. In the apartheid era, black populations were relocated to the poorly serviced areas far away from job opportunities. ...
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
How Santiago de Chile Became a Global Leader on Electric Buses
The electrification of transport has taken off around the globe. Cities and transit agencies are experimenting with the latest trends and innovations, spanning the gamut from cars to buses, scooters and bikes. We have seen China lead on electric vehicles ...
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