Posts tagged with 'urban mobility planning'
Cities like Florianópolis, Brazil (pictured) are helping make investments more responsive to residents' needs through public engagement in urban mobility planning. Picture by Chan360/Flickr.
Why the public voice matters in urban mobility planning: Lessons from Brazil
Eighty-five percent of Brazilians live, work, and play in cities. As such, urban mobility is a fundamental driver of quality of life for the vast majority of the country, enabling access to jobs, healthcare, schools, and other everyday needs. In ...
Five new publications from EMBARQ Brasil will help foster people-oriented cities with high quality public transport systems. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Five new resources for more sustainable Brazilian cities
In some Brazilian cities, poorly managed urban development has led to “3D” urban form – distant, dispersed, and disconnected. Over the past ten years, demand for urban public transport has decreased by 33% in Brazilian cities while car sales are ...
Conducting Health Impact Assessments can help policy makers throughout India choose transport projects that will decrease air pollution, while increasing connectivity and health. Photo by John Hoey/Flickr.
The intersection of public health and transport in Indian cities
Typical transport investment and policy proposals in India often consider few factors, some being connectivity with surrounding areas, land use and socioeconomic impacts, available funding, and the level of support from local stakeholders. All too often, these assessments consistently overlook ...
EMBARQ Mexico is helping city leaders understand the complexities of creating sustainable mass transport systems through a series of lectures, group exercises, and case studies. Photo by EMBARQ.
Call for applications: "Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning" 2014
The World Bank and EMBARQ Mexico are holding the second edition of the “Building Leaders in Transport Planning” training course for Mexico (#LUTPMx14). The course provides tools for systematic planning of integrated mobility corridor management, alternative public transport planning, evaluating ...
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Darío Hidalgo is EMBARQ’s Director for Research and Practice, with over twenty years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and government official. Hidalgo is a Colombian native who grew up participating in Ciclovía in Bogotá, and a frequent contributor to TheCityFix. In 1998, ...
"On The Tram." Photo by Melissa Maples/Flickr.
Challenges and opportunities come with Turkey’s urban boom
Turkey’s urban population has grown from 25% of its total population in the 1950s to 77% today – a figure well above its global counterpart of 52%. In a little more than half a century, rapid urbanization has transformed the ...
"Rush Hour Slalom." Photo by Tommy Vohs/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Vote for the Audi Urban Future Award!
By 2050, two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. To prepare for this unprecedented growth in the global urban population, Audi has been seeking standout solutions for future mobility in metropolitan regions – and you can help ...
Passenger on the TransOeste BRT in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
Transport set to be defined as social right by Brazilian Constitution
Urban transport is on its way to becoming a social right in Brazil. On December 4, PEC 90 – a proposed amendment to Article Six of the Brazilian Constitution that would define transport as a social right – was approved ...
Beijing traffic congestion
Beijing’s parking woes: Is there any end in sight?
What do the time-honored hutong – quintessential narrow alleys of Beijing that date back to the Qing dynasty – and danwei – organized work and housing complexes from the pre-1979 era –have in common? Apart from the fact that neither ...
London congestion zone
On the move: Limiting car usage in industrialized economies
This is the fourth post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This “On The Move” series is dedicated to analyzing on-the-ground efforts to shift urban transport from moving cars to moving people. It ...
A San Francisco, California, streetcar plies F Street, near the Embarcadero. Photo by danishdynamite.
Friday Fun: 4 Lessons from the Urban Data Challenge
Picture yourself on a lazy Sunday afternoon cruising down San Francisco’s Market Street in one of the city’s iconic streetcars. You have a seat to yourself to peer out the window as the sun beats down over the Golden Gate; ...
Boarding El Metropolitano BRT in Lima, Peru. Photo by EMBARQ.
Q&A with Hernan Navarro: Lima’s El Metropolitano BRT
In a capital city with 8 million inhabitants, not only was Lima’s advanced bus system the first of its kind in the country, but it also provides valuable lessons for the rest of Latin America. Building on the Lima experience, ...
Trial runs launched on the iBus bus rapid transit corridor, Indore, India. Photo by Dario Hidalgo.
iBus, a new BRT changing the transport landscape in Indore, India
Last month, India’s newest bus rapid transit (BRT) system – iBus – launched trial operations in Indore. Over the last seven years, the implementing agency, Atal Indore City Transport Services Limited (AICTSL) worked closely with several public and private agencies, ...
Cycling through Mysore, India
Cycling through Mysore, India
This blog post is a part of the Catalyzing New Mobility program, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Mysore, a historic city in southern India, is home to numerous palaces and ancient monuments and is the second largest city in the ...
Photo by Mariana Gil.
Before and after: video highlights advances in Rio de Janeiro’s TransCarioca bus rapid transit system
In anticipation of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil, host city Rio de Janeiro is hard at work expanding and improving its transportation infrastructure and urban environs for the influx of athletes, fans, and visitors. Eager ...
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