Posts tagged with 'Turkey'
Safe Cycling in Istanbul, Turkey
How Istanbul Is Improving Public Health by Designing for Cycling
Growing physical inactivity at a global scale is causing more people to suffer from chronic diseases every day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 31 percent of adults 15 years old and older were insufficiently active in 2008, leading ...
Making Turkey's roads safer by design
Urban design for safer roads: Insights from EMBARQ Turkey’s RSLab
More than 1.2 million people worldwide are killed in road traffic crashes every year, and an additional 20 to 50 million are injured. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if urgent action is not taken, these figures will increase ...
A type of fine particulate matter, black carbon causes millions of premature deaths in cities worldwide and is considered the second most important human emission contributing to climate change. Photo by Eduardo M.C./Flickr.
Cities fighting black carbon to achieve public health and climate benefits
Black carbon – a short-lived climate pollutant emitted into the air by incomplete combustion of fuels – is a both major contributor to climate change and a concern for public health in cities. At the global scale, black carbon has ...
The second annual Livable Cities Symposium highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to define urban livability and outline best practices for bikeable, walkable cities with high quality of life. Photo by Mehmet Aktugan/Flickr.
Planning for a livable urban future: The second annual Livable Cities Symposium
How can cities harness urban mobility solutions to become more livable? The second annual Livable Cities Symposium – co-hosted by EMBARQ Turkey and the İzmir Development Agency (İZKA) – addressed this question by gathering experts from Turkey and around the ...
EMBARQ Turkey's Livable Cities Symposium will highlight the importance of bikeability and walkability in creating livable cities for all. Join the discussion online using #LivableCities. Photo by Marko Anastasov/Flickr.
Enhancing livability in Turkey and in cities worldwide
Over the past half-century, the world has urbanized at an unprecedented pace. In 1970, about 37% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This number rose to 45% in 1990, 54% in 2014, and is expected to reach 66% by 2050. Much of this urban ...
Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey. Photo by Tim Griffin/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Engaging Istanbul’s youth for a more sustainable city
A focus on sustainable development can help Istanbul preserve its rich cultural history. For example, Istanbul’s Historical Peninsula – a UNESCO World Heritage site – contains 295 pedestrianized streets that have helped to increase the vibrancy, safety, and accessibility of ...
Istanbul’s world class BRT, pedestrianized spaces, and strong demand for improved cycling infrastructure highlight the rise of sustainable transport in the city. Photo by Monique Stuut/Flickr.
Six things to know about sustainable transport in Istanbul
Istanbul has made many strides in sustainable transport in recent years. Through a world class bus rapid transit (BRT) system and pedestrianization of public spaces, Istanbul is working to improve transport access, health, road safety, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions ...
Rapid urbanization has led to sprawl in cities worldwide, reshaping urban geographies and challenging city governments to plan for growing populations. Photo by Omar Bárcena/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Watch urban growth unfold in these amazing visualizations from cities worldwide
The NYU Stern Urbanization Project has created a number of fascinating time-lapse videos showing urban land use in different cities from the 1800s through to 2000. These videos strikingly depict the well-evidenced trend of urban growth, both in population and ...
The pedestrianization project in the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul, Turkey, has created vibrant thoroughfares that has allowed the city to compromise between preserving culture and meeting the mobility needs of its growing populace. Photo by Gulsen Oczan/Flickr.
Peninsulas and public spaces: The pedestrianization of Istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey, has stood at the center of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. It has acted as a central hub of political history and artistic creation for some 20 centuries, with remnants of the ...
Istanbul, Turkey, like many cities in Europe and Asia are turning towards water transport to combat congestion in growing urban areas. Photo by Axeltriple/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Three cities explore water-based transport to improve urban mobility
Rapidly developing cities worldwide, while diverse, have a number of factors in common. Issues that seem nearly universal are congestion and enormous traffic jams, which have, in some extreme cases, stretched the typical commute into a weeklong sojourn. While cities ...
Pedestrianization projects like that of Istanbul's historic peninsula can reduce traffic crashes and protect pedestrians. Photo by Andres Arjona/Flickr.
Cities that inspire us for United Nations Global Road Safety Week 2015
Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that the third Global Road Safety Week occurred in April 2014. The third Global Road Safety week is planned for 2015.  Already there are 1.2 million traffic-related deaths per year worldwide. ...
Cities around the world seek out ways to shift, avoid, and improve their infrastructure and transport modes to decrease air pollution. Photo by WBUR/Flickr.
Right to breathe: The link between transport and air quality
Today, the highest levels of air pollutants are concentrated in developing cities, particularly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Motor vehicles contribute between 25 and 75% of this air pollution. In March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) released ...
Istanbul is working towards an integrated transport network to turn the tide against motor vehicle and make mass transport the dominant form of mobility once more. Photo by Andreaffm/Flickr.
Can a multimodal Istanbul reverse the tide of car dependency?
Turkey has had good fortune in seeing the personal incomes of its citizens rise from US$ 6,800 in 2000 to US$ 14,700 in 2011. Yet with increasing incomes has come a trend towards personal motorization, with private vehicle ownership jumping from 889,000 to ...
Narrow, cobblestone paths do not support the development of a bicycle culture in Kadikoy, Istanbul. Photo by andy carvin/Flickr.
Creating a cycling culture in Kadiköy, Istanbul
Walking along Moda Cadesi in the Kadiköy neighborhood of Istanbul is an exciting experience. The street is connected to stores, a public park, and a pedestrian plaza that allows all ages and demographics to mix together in a dynamic hub ...
"On The Tram." Photo by Melissa Maples/Flickr.
Challenges and opportunities come with Turkey’s urban boom
Turkey’s urban population has grown from 25% of its total population in the 1950s to 77% today – a figure well above its global counterpart of 52%. In a little more than half a century, rapid urbanization has transformed the ...
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