Posts tagged with 'Turkey'
Eskişehir, Turkey, Leads on Energy-Efficient Buildings
A city without buildings is simply not a city. And yet when it comes to climate action, buildings tend to take a back seat to transport, energy production and industry. Making buildings more energy-efficient is the cheapest way to reduce ...
5 Things We Learned About Urban Transformation
5 Things We Learned About Urban Transformation
Positive change happens in cities, but it’s often lost in a sea of bad news about air pollution, rising costs of living, traffic jams and inequality. When we launched the WRI Ross Prize for Cities in February 2018, we aimed ...
Useful Knowledge and Building Blocks of Change: An Outside Perspective on the WRI Ross Prize
Useful Knowledge and Building Blocks of Change: An Outside Perspective on the WRI Ross Prize
Last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a day-long roundtable discussion with the five finalists for the WRI Ross Prize Cities, organized by WRI at the Ford Foundation in New York City. The roundtable followed the first-ever award ...
Urban Transformations: The Reinvention of Eskişehir, Turkey from Dump to Destination
Urban Transformations: The Reinvention of Eskişehir, Turkey from Dump to Destination
Eskişehir Urban Development Project is a finalist for the WRI Ross Prize for Cities. Many cities are looking for a new future after the decline of traditional manufacturing industries. From the American Rust Belt to Europe’s industrial heartlands, mayors are ...
5 Challenges and Solutions to Building Bike-Friendly Cities in Turkey
5 Challenges and Solutions to Building Bike-Friendly Cities in Turkey
The diverse economic, social and physical benefits of bicycling are no secret, yet many cities are hesitant to better accommodate growing numbers of bicycles on their streets. In October, WRI Turkey Sustainable Cities organized a workshop with representatives from 16 ...
5 Cities Show What Urban Transformation Really Looks Like
5 Cities Show What Urban Transformation Really Looks Like
Urbanization is changing the face of the planet – for better and for worse. City populations, GDP and investment are increasing exponentially. At the same time, carbon emissions are rising, more and more people are living in slums, and air pollution ...
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
From space, cities can look like microscopic living organisms, with bright nodes of industrial and civic activity connected by circulating routes of traffic and transport. Some cities are taking this analogy to a new level with an “urban metabolic” approach ...
6 Transport Solutions to Give İzmir’s Historic Center Back to the People
6 Transport Solutions to Give İzmir’s Historic Center Back to the People
With 5,000 years of history and culture, the city of İzmir along the Ionian Coast is one of Turkey’s most remarkable urban areas. It’s a unique nexus between the past and present, with a variety of archaeological conservation sites but also Turkey’s ...
Do Bus Rapid Transit Systems Improve Equity? A Look at the Evidence
Do Bus Rapid Transit Systems Improve Equity? A Look at the Evidence
Some time ago, professor Christo Venter of the University of Pretoria sent me an intriguing message: Did I have data on how bus rapid transit systems, or BRTs, affect equity in cities? Impact evaluations for changes in travel time, cost, ...
The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies
Developing cities worldwide face a severe and worsening transport crisis. A new book, “The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies,” reports that urban transport problems are following a perverse pattern: While education and healthcare tend to improve as developing cities ...
With Mobile App Rewards for Cycling and Walking, Would You Continue to Drive?
Modern technology has revolutionized the way people interact with urban mobility and their cities. People’s movements have become inextricably linked with technology, in particular their smartphones. Today’s technology can call a car service, track your movement, alert you when the ...
Turkey's Population and Energy Demand Are Booming. What This Means for Sustainable Cities
Turkey's Population and Energy Demand Are Booming. What This Means for Sustainable Cities
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities in Turkey will host the 3rd Livable Cities Symposium on November 19-20,  2015 in Istanbul. The Symposium will gather national and international experts, practitioners and researchers to discuss energy and transportation policies, community engagement, and ...
3 Ideas for Overcoming the Challenges Facing Turkey's Emerging Bike Share
3 Ideas for Overcoming the Challenges Facing Turkey's Emerging Bike Share
Despite a slow beginning, bike share has become one of the fastest growing trends in urban transport over the past ten years. Indeed, from 2004 to 2014, the number of cities with bike share systems increased from a mere 11 ...
Turkey's Congestion Problem: Why New Roads Aren't the Answer
Turkey's Congestion Problem: Why New Roads Aren't the Answer
The United States’ urban transport mantra of “wider and more roads” dates back to the 1900s and is slowly being phased out for more compact development. However, in Turkey, the sentiment remains alive and well. To demonstrate this, consider Turkey’s ...
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Talking about virtual reality (VR) often calls to mind movies like The Matrix or futuristic video games—however, VR is also proving to be an unlikely ally in the fight to make roads safer in cities everywhere. The World Health Organization warns ...
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