Posts tagged with 'project financing'
Voinovich and Other Lawmakers: Let’s Get to Work on Reauthorization
Voinovich and Other Lawmakers: Let’s Get to Work on Reauthorization
On the heels of Senator George Voinovich’s announcement earlier this week that the Senate will take up the long-term reauthorization of the U.S. transportation bill this year, Voinovich (R-OH) and several colleagues gathered at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, ...
Moving through the Recession, Part 2: Service Cuts Continue
Moving through the Recession, Part 2: Service Cuts Continue
This is the second installment of TheCityFix’s series Moving through the Recession, which explores how the worldwide economic slowdown has impacted transportation systems and users locally, nationally and internationally.
Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Highlights Transit, Livability
Capital Region Transportation Planning Board Highlights Transit, Livability
Today’s National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) meeting was evidence of a region ready to embrace sustainable planning, enhance its transit offerings, and improve its environment. The TPB is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the D.C. ...
D.C. Colleges Embrace Bike-Sharing
D.C. Colleges Embrace Bike-Sharing
Last year, we reported on breakthroughs in D.C.’s bicycling culture, such as the opening of Bikestation D.C. and proposals for bike lanes on M Street. Recently, the bikesharing buzz has been increasingly bolstered by the city’s student population. American University’s Student ...
U.S. Stimulus “Jobs Bill” Signals Major Opportunity to Improve Safety and Save Money
U.S. Stimulus “Jobs Bill” Signals Major Opportunity to Improve Safety and Save Money
By mandating or incentivizing Fix it First and transit projects, the Jobs Bill can create more jobs, save lives and alleviate fiscal constraints on communities
Blogging from TRB: Performance-Based Funding Systems in the United States
Blogging from TRB: Performance-Based Funding Systems in the United States
A highlight of yesterday’s TRB sessions was a panel discussion on the performance-based funding system that is widely expected to be included in reauthorization of the federal transportation bill. There is a growing consensus that in order to justify higher ...
National Infrastructure Bank: What's the Deal?
National Infrastructure Bank: What's the Deal?
The idea of a National Infrastructure Bank has been kicking around in the news lately, touted by leaders such as President Obama in his Tuesday jobs speech, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood at yesterday’s Brookings Institution event on infrastructure investment ...
DDOT Presents Expanded Streetcar Concept
DDOT Presents Expanded Streetcar Concept
Transit vehicles purchased and stored in the Czech Republic, an unresolved controversy over a 120-year-old federal law prohibiting overhead wires in the historic L’Enfant City, and tracks already being laid along H Street NE and in Anacostia… As it stands, ...
TIGER Grants Not a Transit Panacea
TIGER Grants Not a Transit Panacea
With much fanfare, transportation planners and local governments applied for the Department of Transportation’s TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) competitive grants program. Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood has hailed the program as “an outpouring of creative and innovative transportation project ...
Dubai Launches New Metro, But Will It Work?
Dubai Launches New Metro, But Will It Work?
Average temperatures in Dubai reach well over 100 degrees in the summer. But riders of Dubai’s newest metro need not worry. High-tech stations and rail cars boast air conditioning to protect residents from the sweltering the heat. The one problem, ...
Could Autolib' Transform the City of Lights into a City of Electric Vehicles?
Could Autolib' Transform the City of Lights into a City of Electric Vehicles?
Could France become the leader in electric vehicle technology? And what does that mean for the future of sustainable urban mobility? Photo by Lea Marzloff. From BusinessWeek: Could the City of Lights soon become the City of Electric Cars? Paris ...
Bixi Lands Boston, London: Game-Changer for Public Bikes?
Bixi Lands Boston, London: Game-Changer for Public Bikes?
London and Boston made big announcements this week, both naming Montreal's Public Bike System – known as Bixi (shoft for "bicycle taxi") – as their preferred bike-share provider. Could Bixi's foray onto the world scene be a game changer for public-use bicycles?
Deeds Offers Smart Growth, McDonnell Offers Details
Deeds Offers Smart Growth, McDonnell Offers Details
Now that there’s significantly more information available than a short AP article, I thought it might be useful to compare the fairly extensive transportation plans of the two candidates for governor of Virginia. Let’s start with Bob McDonnell and really ...
Bob McDonnell's Transportation Plan Is No Good for NoVa
Bob McDonnell's Transportation Plan Is No Good for NoVa
Bob McDonnell’s plan for fixing transportation in Virginia (am I the only one who is consistently surprised when transportation is one of the most important issues there?) seems to consist of only tolls and  more highway spending. Moreover, these don’t ...
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Virginia and Maryland Leave Ad Money on the Table
Ohio’s got a big plan to pay for its share of a new rail line from Cleveland through Columbus to Cincinnati, and it’s one of those things you just can’t believe doesn’t already exist.. According to the AP, they’ve renegotiated ...
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