Posts tagged with 'housing'
Reshaping Public Policy Can Solve the Housing Affordability Crisis in US Cities
Reshaping Public Policy Can Solve the Housing Affordability Crisis in US Cities
We’re living in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. Demand for apartments and condos continues to outpace supply in most urban cores. Upward pressure on asking rents is displacing low-income renters to nearby communities and middle-income renters are starting ...
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
From Jobs to Education, Inequality in Mexico City Is About Access
In Mexico City, someone living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods has 28 times better access to jobs in a 30-minute trip by public transit and walking than someone living in the poorest areas. Twenty-eight times. And this says nothing ...
To Fix Housing, We Need to Talk About Land Use: Nora Libertun and Cynthia Goytia
To Fix Housing, We Need to Talk About Land Use: Nora Libertun and Cynthia Goytia
Affordable housing is a crisis that only seems to deepen. Some 1.2 billion people in cities lack access to affordable, secure housing – a number that’s projected to grow to 1.6 billion people by 2025. Cities in the global south, ...
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Cities are changing at an unprecedented rate: 75 percent of the infrastructure expected to be in place by 2050 has yet to be built. Meanwhile, major adjustments are needed to reach global climate and development goals. Now is the chance ...
Can Housing Be Affordable Without Being Efficient?
Can Housing Be Affordable Without Being Efficient?
About 3 billion people, or 40 percent of the world’s population, will need new housing by 2030. That will require constructing approximately 21 million new homes every year across the world. Several of the fastest-growing countries have ambitious goals to ...
True Affordability: Critiquing the International Housing Affordability Survey
True Affordability: Critiquing the International Housing Affordability Survey
Unaffordability is a major problem in cities of all kinds. Many households spend far more on housing and transportation than is considered affordable, and many people who would like to live in magnet cities cannot due to these costs. Cities ...
“Come, Participate in This Bold Indian Experiment:” Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on the Global Housing Technology Challenge
“Come, Participate in This Bold Indian Experiment:” Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on the Global Housing Technology Challenge
Provision of affordable, adequate and accessible housing is one of the major challenges facing India today, as it surges forward economically and demographically. Current government statistics put the housing shortfall at 10 million units, down from an estimated 19 million ...
Better Coordination, Engagement Needed to “Bend the Curve” for Cities, Say Experts at World Urban Forum
Better Coordination, Engagement Needed to “Bend the Curve” for Cities, Say Experts at World Urban Forum
Cities are essential to achieve not only the New Urban Agenda, an unprecedented statement of intent by 167 countries more than a year ago in Quito, but the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement, said a series of urban policymakers, ...
If Cities Are to Lead, National Transport and Housing Policy Needs to Change
If Cities Are to Lead, National Transport and Housing Policy Needs to Change
Across the world, it’s becoming clearer that development goals must be urban goals. As their populations and global connections grow, cities account for an ever-growing portion of the global economy. But despite their prominence, cities can’t do it alone. Local ...
The Crisis in Affordable Housing Is a Problem for Cities Everywhere
There has perhaps been more attention paid to affordable housing this year than any in recent memory, but it took a tragedy to make it so. The horror of Grenfell Tower touched off a national conversation in the United Kingdom ...
London from above. Photo by Michael Garnett/Flickr
London Illustrates the Benefits – and Risks – of Compact Growth
Islington is the most densely populated area in the United Kingdom, yet wandering around the quiet streets of the north London borough, it is difficult to appreciate just how many people live there. Handsome terraces, elegant squares and a plethora ...
Winner Take All? Richard Florida’s ‘New Urban Crisis’ Part of Growing Global Focus on Unequal Cities
Winner Take All? Richard Florida’s ‘New Urban Crisis’ Part of Growing Global Focus on Unequal Cities
Cities are growing rapidly in more places than ever before, but this growth is not always accompanied by prosperity. The specter of inequality – and fear that it could short-circuit economic development – has been rising in the global urban ...
Video: Alain Bertaud on Breaking the Mold for Urban Development, Balancing Climate Goals
Video: Alain Bertaud on Breaking the Mold for Urban Development, Balancing Climate Goals
Cities across the global south are in a bind. As they absorb more residents, providing access to core services like housing and energy – already a challenge – is getting even harder. Policymakers are looking for answers, and Alain Bertaud, ...
Opening the Floodgates to a New Climate Economy in Mexico City
Opening the Floodgates to a New Climate Economy in Mexico City
The Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico, as Mexico City’s wider metropolitan area is locally known, faces a two-fold dilemma. In recent years, the intensity of rains has increased, straining drainage systems and causing severe flooding in low-lying areas. ...
To Improve Core Services, Cities Should Embrace Disruption
To Improve Core Services, Cities Should Embrace Disruption
Innovative business models can turn entire industries on their head – just ask retail executives how Amazon has changed their world, mobility companies about Uber, or music magnates about Apple’s legacy. How we shop, move, and enjoy music is fundamentally ...
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