Posts tagged with 'housing'
Electric School Buses Can Fight – or Further — Inequity in the US
Electric School Buses Can Fight – or Further — Inequity in the US
More than 20 million students in the United States ride school buses every year. This equals approximately 7 billion trips per year, making school buses one of the most widely used forms of public transport in the United States.  But those trips aren’t always ...
In Iloilo City, Philippines, an Inclusive Housing Program Protects Vulnerable Communities from Flood Risks
In Iloilo City, Philippines, an Inclusive Housing Program Protects Vulnerable Communities from Flood Risks
Aileen Monsale, a resident of Iloilo City, Philippines, lost her home in 2008 after devastating floods hit the low-lying city following Typhoon Fengshen – which many called a “storm of the century.” Like thousands of people in Iloilo City, her ...
The Power of Multistakeholder Collaboration in Creating More Equitable and Sustainable Cities
The Power of Multistakeholder Collaboration in Creating More Equitable and Sustainable Cities
The latest UN climate conference, COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, was a significant one for cities in many respects. Delegates established a new fund to help vulnerable countries deal with loss and damages from climate impacts, and some of ...
Kids playing at a public park in Barranquilla, Colombia
5 Cities Show How to Thrive in Turbulent Times
History shows that when disasters and crises strike, cities often bounce back stronger and more resilient than before. The great Chicago fire famously gave rise to skyscrapers. Infectious disease outbreaks led to public health policies and modern sanitation. The devastation of World War II catalyzed unprecedented ...
How Vitoria-Gasteiz Has Optimized Land Use and Mobility to Save Lives and Fight Climate Change
How Vitoria-Gasteiz Has Optimized Land Use and Mobility to Save Lives and Fight Climate Change
Like many European cities in the 20th century, Vitoria-Gasteiz, capital of the Basque Country in Spain, experienced rapid population growth, followed by increased motorization and urban sprawl. What makes Vitoria-Gasteiz stand out is the coordinated action its leaders and community ...
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
The coronavirus pandemic hit public transport hard. Global ridership tanked initially by as much as 80%, and transit was still at around just 20% of pre-pandemic ridership at the end of 2020. There is serious concern that people will increasingly opt for private vehicles, should public ...
7 Major Transformations to Solve Urban Inequality
7 Major Transformations to Solve Urban Inequality
Owusu lives with his wife and four children in the Tantra Hills neighborhood of Accra, Ghana, where he shares his residence with five other tenants and their families. The house has a toilet and electricity, but the costs for both ...
How Cities Can Rethink Housing After COVID-19
How Cities Can Rethink Housing After COVID-19
When the world shut down last March, the urban housing conversation took on a radically different hue. Suddenly, housing was a public health concern – which, of course, it always had been. Where you live, and under what conditions, appeared ...
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Incidents of building collapse are worryingly common in large African cities. One study counted 54 building collapse deaths and 122 injuries in Kampala, Uganda, between 2004 and 2008. Another identified 112 cases in Lagos, Nigeria, from 1978 to 2008. Cities in Ghana and Kenya, ...
New Land Use Mapping Paints a Clearer Picture of Urban Life
New Land Use Mapping Paints a Clearer Picture of Urban Life
Remote sensing has revolutionized how we measure and understand the Earth. We can now track deforestation across the globe, predict end-of-season crop yields and identify wildfires in near real-time. But exploration into its possibilities for urban areas has only just begun. ...
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sustainable Food Production for a Resilient Rosario won the 2020-2021 Prize for Cities on June 29, 2021. Learn more here. (June 29, 2021) City life can be deeply unfair. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how ...
A Fairer and More Sustainable Post-COVID World in Latin America
A Fairer and More Sustainable Post-COVID World in Latin America
The large cities in the Latin American region all have one thing in common: the opportunities for employment and income are concentrated in a few districts while, more and more, sprawling housing zones are located on the outskirts of cities ...
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
To Fix City Slums, Don’t Just Knock Them Down: Involve Residents in Upgrading Efforts
To Fix City Slums, Don’t Just Knock Them Down: Involve Residents in Upgrading Efforts
Many cities, particularly in the global South, have large areas of informal settlements ‒ poor neighborhoods that grew organically, but which often lack structurally sound buildings and services like running water, sanitation and waste management. The traditional approach to upgrading ...
Lumber Salvaged from Baltimore’s Row Houses and City Trees Creates Jobs and Cuts Wood Waste
Lumber Salvaged from Baltimore’s Row Houses and City Trees Creates Jobs and Cuts Wood Waste
Baltimore, like many post-industrial cities, confronts novel challenges. Once the sixth largest city in the U.S., Baltimore’s population has contracted by more than a third, resulting from a complex suite of factors including job loss, economic decline, and discriminatory policies or housing and lending practices. It’s ...
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