Posts tagged with 'cycling'
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
There is nothing fun about rush hour, unless bicycles are involved. Here are two videos of rush hour from Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands. The first one is from 2011 and the second is from 2010. Netherlands ...
An article in this month’s Spokes magazine, calls to question a recent debate on installing Capital Bikeshare stations on the capital’s National Mall. Currently, the National Park Service prohibits Capital Bikeshare stations from being placed on the Mall due to ...
A version of this post was originally published by Mariana Gil in Portuegese on TheCityFix Brasil on July 13, 2011. How many bikes can you fit in the space occupied by a single car? Never thought about it? The creators of Car Bike Rack, CycleHoop, did and ...
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Urban Green Field Potential The potential and best measures for converting underutilized commercial real estate to ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
Alex Anderson and Chad Debaker, two “bike people,” created a vending machine that holds bike parts like lights, patch kits and tubes for cycling commuters. Located in Minneapolis, Minn. with only one station and another on the way, the “Bike ...
The United Nations Environment Programme’s Risoe Centre released a report on the technologies that can help mitigate climate change in the transport sector. The report, written in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility, is part of the Risoe Centre’s Technology ...
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Urban Rail Reduces Air Pollution Professors Alexander Whalley and Yihsu Chen at the University of California, ...
Huffington Post’s Women section reported earlier this week that Christine Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund’s newest Managing Director, will be biking to work when she finally makes the move to Washington, D.C. for her new job. “Lagarde, once a competitive ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
In 2001 Adilson Alcantara, manager of the Mauá CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos) train station in the greater São Paulo region was faced with a challenge: What to do with the hundreds of bicycles precariously and haphazardly chained to ...
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Sustainable Transport Behavior Transport technology advancements will not be enough to attain international greenhouse gas reduction ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
This week marked the grand opening in Minneapolis, Minn. of the third segment of the Cedar Lake Trail, a now 4.3-mile stretch from the suburb of St. Louis Park all the way to the the Mississippi River downtown. The opening ...
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