Posts tagged with 'Bogota'
Darío Hidalgo is the Director for Research and Practice at EMBARQ and a frequent contributor to TheCityFix. With more than twenty years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and government official, Hidalgo has taken part in urban transport projects ...
Darío Hidalgo is EMBARQ’s Director for Research and Practice, a transport expert, and Colombian native who grew up participating in Ciclovía in Bogotá. Today, Hidalgo shares his memories of Ciclovía and recent experience at Raahgiri Day in Gurgaon, India. Certain moments make me ...
Around the world, cities are searching for sustainable ways to transport residents quickly, efficiently, and safely throughout their streets. One such solution is bus rapid transit (BRT), which is already widely implemented in both the developed and developing worlds. New ...
Sustainable transport initiatives have gained traction in recent years in developing world cities. This trend can be seen in the growth in Bus Rapid Transit and Busway systems around the world, the new bike-sharing scheme in Mexico City, or the ...
“Optimism is undermined by the amount of work required for full implementation.” Before withdrawing his nomination as Bogotá’s ombudsman in December 2011, Paul Bromberg recommended that the incoming administration “joyfully receive the public transport system of Bogotá (Sistema de Transporte ...
“Some sociologists say that modern modes of transport annihilate space and time and generate a permanent fright in travelers…we did our best in making one of those daily trips have a meaning beyond its origin and destination.” Those are the ...
On October 7 – two weeks ago today – TheCityFix reported on UN World Habitat Day and the release of the 2013 Global Report on Human Settlements. Now that the report has been out for a while, we’re following up ...
Tomorrow, New York City’s Park Avenue will be turned into a cyclovia. Photo by Asterix611. Tomorrow, seven miles of Manhattan’s Park Avenue, stretching from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, will be filled with people, not cars. For three Saturdays ...
Colombia’s drunk driving laws are consistent with global best practices. But are they enforced? Photo by Thomas Hawk. In Colombia, in recent days, several tragic incidents have started a national conversation on drunk driving. Two young women were killed in ...
Cover for the newly released publication “Vida e Morte das Rodovias Urbanas“. Courtesy of EMBARQ Brasil. EMBARQ Brazil and ITDP Brazil officially launched the Portuguese version of “Life and Death of Urban Highways” last week, during the III Congress SIBRT: ...
Last month, India’s newest bus rapid transit (BRT) system – iBus – launched trial operations in Indore. Over the last seven years, the implementing agency, Atal Indore City Transport Services Limited (AICTSL) worked closely with several public and private agencies, ...
Fifteen years ago, Latin America passed a tipping point on the road to becoming a global leader in advanced bus systems, proving that municipalities can inspire meaningful change through a combination of leadership, institutional support, and funding. Today, Latin America ...
The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, along with CEPT University, is launching the Asia BRTS Conference to be held on September 6-8, 2012, with the goal of improving knowledge, sharing experiences and advancing the concept of bus rapid transit (BRT) in India and across Asia. ...
I recently watched “Bogotá Change,” a film that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival under a film series titled “Cities on Speed.” The video below is a trailer for the four films, covering urban challenges in Mumbai, Shanghai, Cairo and Bogota. ...
On Sunday, Trujillo, Peru will launch its first ciclovía, literally translated to “bike path” in Spanish, an event that will temporarily close down streets to cars and opening them to cyclists and pedestrians alike. Turning cars away, even for a ...
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