This might be the only place In New York City where you can run barefoot on grass in the middle of February. Photo by Karen Blumberg.
New York City might finally get some snow tonight and there is a 70 percent chance of precipitation in Washington, D.C., which will most likely turn to slush. But the chill’s arrival doesn’t mean you have to spend your weekend cooped up at home, at least not if you live in New York City. Park Here is a free indoor pop-up park and a project of Openhouse Gallery, an event space and art gallery in New York City. Through Park Here, the gallery also hosts yoga classes on the weekends. The park is open every day until 6:00 p.m. and features various food vendors, movie showings, musical performances and organized game nights. Look at some pictures of past events on Twitter.
According to the creators:
“New York winters are nasty, brutish and long. While there are pleasant ways to enjoy the city outdoors – Rockefeller’s tree and skating rink, for example – finding a creative indoor escape is tough…
Park Here was a nice alternative, not just from winter, but also from the endless string of shopping pop ups around Christmas. Instead of more sales, Openhouse created an indoor space that was free to the public during the day and full of private events at night.”
Isn’t this a great indoor re-creation of a beloved outdoor public space? What do you think? Would you stop by if you had one in your city?