Posts in the 'Integrated Transport' category
As cities urbanize worldwide, they must focus on connected, compact, and coordinated development to grow their economies and tackle climate change. Photo by Scutter/Flickr.
‘We have to get urbanization right’: A Q&A with Felipe Calderón on cities in the New Climate Economy
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
In another sign of the growing momentum for open streets, Madrid is banning cars from its city center as part of larger plan to advance sustainable urban mobility. Photo by Cassie/Flickr.
Madrid rolling out plan to ban cars in city center
As we recently discussed on TheCityFix, momentum is building for open streets in cities worldwide. Across seven Indian cities, tens of thousands of citizens are taking back their streets during weekly car-free days. Similar open streets events now occur in ...
The shared mobility economy is on the rise. Zipcar founder Robin Chase sat down with TheCityFix to discuss how current trends and innovations are transforming transportation. Photo by Hugger Industries/Flickr.
Innovating for smart, sustainable cities: A Q&A on urban mobility with Zipcar founder Robin Chase
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
How can cities ensure that cyclists and motorists safely share streets? A new technology-enabled bike helmet may be part of the solution. Photo by Ciclista/Flickr.
Friday Fun: New gear at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show will make urban biking safer
Is biking more on your list of resolutions for 2015? If so, you have probably considered what to do to be safer while biking in the city. Around the world, new policies and innovative technologies are being developed to support ...
Cities like Florianópolis, Brazil (pictured) are helping make investments more responsive to residents' needs through public engagement in urban mobility planning. Picture by Chan360/Flickr.
Why the public voice matters in urban mobility planning: Lessons from Brazil
Eighty-five percent of Brazilians live, work, and play in cities. As such, urban mobility is a fundamental driver of quality of life for the vast majority of the country, enabling access to jobs, healthcare, schools, and other everyday needs. In ...
With a focus on sustainable urbanism and social justice, Enrique Peñalosa used a wide variety of people-oriented policies that helped transform Bogotá. Photo by Colin Hughes/Flickr.
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Enrique Peñalosa leads Bogotá’s inclusive urban transformation
This is the seventh entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many stories, TheCityFix ...
The redesigned platform shows the global rise in bus rapid transit and bus priority corridors, and allows users to compare bus systems across a wide range of metrics. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
189 cities and counting: Track the growth of bus rapid transit on the redesigned!
Every day, more than 31 million people use bus rapid transit (BRT) systems and bus corridors in 189 cities. From Istanbul to Mexico City, BRT is saving people time, improving the environment, and making cities safer, more sustainable places to ...
As Indian cities invest in information technology services, minimum standards should require the use of visualization tools to better utilize transport data and improve bus planning. Photo by EMBARQ.
The need to visualize public transit data for better bus systems in India
Over the past decade, many transit agencies in Indian cities have implemented information technology services (ITS) to improve bus planning and operations in urban areas. These typically require huge investments financed either by the city government or by the transit ...
From developing bus rapid transit to improving public spaces, Belo Horizonte, Brazil is working to become a sustainable city. Photo by Eduardo Beltrame.
Seven ways Belo Horizonte, Brazil inspires sustainable cities
Belo Horizonte, Brazil is a city of remarkable cuisine, green spaces, and architecture. The city is increasingly designed using people-oriented urban development strategies that prioritize the people who make the city come alive. Even for outsiders, this state capital feels like ...
EMBARQ India is releasing Bus Karo 2.0, which analyzes bus services in cities across India and will inform urban planners, designers, and bus operators in order to help increase bus mode share. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
Increasing Mode Share of Bus Transport in Indian Cities
Like many cities around the world, Indian cities are experiencing urbanization, motorization, and increasing congestion. Coupled with declining public transport use and infrastructure expenditures that promote a car culture by building roads and flyovers (overpasses), Indian cities are losing out ...
Five new publications from EMBARQ Brasil will help foster people-oriented cities with high quality public transport systems. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Five new resources for more sustainable Brazilian cities
In some Brazilian cities, poorly managed urban development has led to “3D” urban form – distant, dispersed, and disconnected. Over the past ten years, demand for urban public transport has decreased by 33% in Brazilian cities while car sales are ...
As national leaders prepare plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions at COP20, they can look to sustainable transport for win-win solutions that curb emissions while generating jobs, boosting economic growth, and improving public health. Photo by Associacao Ciclocidade/Flickr.
Low-carbon urban transport boosts social and economic development
This week in Lima, Peru, national-level decision makers, mayors, business leaders, international finance institutions, and civil society actors come together for the COP20 climate negotiations, and the world is expecting progress towards an international climate agreement expected to be reached ...
Now in its fourth week, Mumbai’s Equal Streets movement has given citizens the opportunity to reclaim their streets as public spaces for people. Photo by Mansi Jain/ Facebook.
In photos: Mumbai celebrates four weeks of Equal Streets
Linking Road is known as one of Mumbai’s busiest streets. On any given day, it is choked with cars, taxis, buses, and rickshaws from every possible direction. In addition, noise pollution emanating from motorized vehicles has made the environment increasingly ...
Applications are open for the Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning course, a hands-on training for national, provincial, and city-level decision makers on key policy issues in urban transport and development. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Open for applications: Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning course
The World Bank and EMBARQ Mexico – in collaboration with TransMilenio S.A. – will host the third annual “Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning” course, which provides tools for systematic integrated mobility planning, corridor management, public transport planning evaluation alternatives, governance, finance, ...
Have a biker on your gift list? These products can make urban cycling even more fun. Photo by Luis Hidalgo/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Innovative gift ideas for urban cyclists
Happy Thanksgiving TheCityFix readers! For many of you, it is time to begin the search for the perfect gift for your friends and family before the holidays. If you have a cyclist on your gift list, these biking innovations could ...
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