Recent Posts by Nate
This interview is part of a series of interviews featuring sustainable transportation advocates, planners, engineers, journalists, sociologists, and other experts working to shed light on best practices and solutions from across the globe. We welcome your suggestions for future Q&As. ...
Via Streetsblog Los Angeles: UCLA researchers at their Institute of Transportation Studies are looking for volunteers to help with one of their research projects by creating a photo essay of their travels on transit. The thought is that by analyzing ...
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to make it to the recent TRB conference. But a few colleagues have come back from the conference bearing wonderful souvenirs, DVD-ROM discs packed full with details of the latest transportation research. As a budding bicycle ...
While TheCityFix has made the case for the pedicab before, it’s always good (but rare) to see a writer from the “mainstream media” lauding the three-wheeled transport option. The Times’ Ariel Kaminar’s sensitive and experiential inquiry provides helpful insight into, and light-hearted ...
Following all the excitement of Walk 21, where the advantages of walking and bicycling infrastructure frequently took center stage, it’s a bit sobering to take note of what happens in the absence of such facilities. linked yesterday to a ...
A temporary bike share (courtesy of the Dutch Embassy) was definitely one of the highlights of my recent trip to New York City, which all year has been celebrating the 400th anniversary of Captain Henry Hudson’s voyage to “New Amsterdam,” ...
Coming from Los Angeles, New York City's bicycling infrastructure seems to shout fearless innovation, especially in the effort and artistry exerted to smartly bridge gaps in the city's bikeway networks.
“NYC: Inside Out,” subtitled quite simply, “Transportation”, aired on the Discovery Channel last Thursday, September 17th. The short, hour long documentary explores the complexity of the transportation systems that sustain the city I visited for the first time the week ...