Search Results for 'TheCityFix+Picks'
Rutgers University-Newark hosted a group bike ride last week to encourage bicycle commuting around campus. Students rode their bikes along the one-mile path to Newark’s Branch Brook Park and past the cherry blossoms, as part of the university’s effort to ...
The Maharashtra Government approved the Pune Metro Rail a couple of weeks ago, but critics are still concerned about whether or not the project is a suitable solution for Pune’s traffic problems. Last month, the Pune Municipal Corporation’s initial enthusiasm ...
A new wash-and-fold laundry service, Wash Cycle Laundry, avoids the three big (and not-so-sustainable) components of the delivery and manufacturing industry: trucks, parking lots and loading docks. As a result, the bike-centric delivery model is far less harmful to the ...
What are your favorite business and public service ideas that use bikes? We’ve profiled several examples, from mobile schools in the slums of India to FedEx Corp.’s electric tricycle delivery service. There are businesses like MetroPedal Power in Boston, which ...
We’ve featured several developments in the electric car sector over the past few months on TheCityFix Picks, but have yet to come across an anthem for the zero-emission vehicle. Until now. They Might Be Giants who brought us the songs ...
As we first reported in TheCityFix Picks, IBM recently released its first ever Commuter Pain Study. The study found that commuters in Beijing have the world’s most painful commute, and commuters in Stockholm, the least. Melbourne, Houston, and New York City ...
WHAT THEY ARE Minimum parking requirements require developers to construct a minimum number of parking spots, depending on the zone and type of development — business or residential, for instance. As Michael Lewyn points out, for new residential developments in Jacksonville, ...
Michelle Obama’s team at the Let’s Move! campaign is on a roll this week. On the same day as the Childhood Obesity Task Force released its action plan to the President comes another exciting announcement: As part of the Apps ...
Sadly, my stint as TheCityFix’s full-time blogger has come to an end. Writing for the site has been a fantastic experience for many reasons. I had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics, from what a performance-based ...
Do you want to be able to map your bike routes as you ride and share them with fellow riders? Impress your friends by locating the closest Zipcar on the spur of the moment? Find the nearest subway station in ...
I just returned from a Brookings Institution event on infrastructure investment, economic growth, and jobs. The talk included a great cast of academics, politicians, transportation officials and journalists. This came just two days after President Obama’s high-profile jobs speech at ...
Fast Company named Seattle the “City of the Year” in its annual “Fast City” issue, which handpicks cities around the world that exhibit “smarts, foresight, social consciousness [and] creative ferment.” San Francisco was chosen for its innovative public-private partnership that ...
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