Cities Are Taxing Ride-Hailing Services Like Uber and Lyft. Is This a Good Thing?
Cities Are Taxing Ride-Hailing Services Like Uber and Lyft. Is This a Good Thing?
With ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft continuing to gain popularity and drawing attention for their impact on congestion and other urban ills, cities from Washington to São Paolo are moving to the seemingly inevitable next step: special taxes. This is unsurprising. ...
4 Lessons from Bhopal and Bogotá on Launching Citywide Bike Sharing
4 Lessons from Bhopal and Bogotá on Launching Citywide Bike Sharing
Bike sharing has experienced astonishing growth since its first major breakthrough 20 years ago. Following the rise of dockless bike sharing, more than 1,000 cities worldwide now offer bike-sharing services. Around 300 cities implemented new systems in 2017 alone. Bike ...
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The WRI Ross Prize for Cities seeks to answer the question every city wants to know: How do you achieve lasting, large-scale, positive change in your city? This week, applications for the inaugural $250,000 WRI Ross Prize closed and the ...
Building Efficiency Isn’t Cool, But It’s Critical. How Can We Spur a Global Movement?
Building Efficiency Isn’t Cool, But It’s Critical. How Can We Spur a Global Movement?
The time has never been better – or more critical – for spurring a global building efficiency movement. Building efficiency is one of the most effective near-term opportunities for achieving climate and energy goals. Better efficiency policies for new and ...
Amid Climate Uncertainty, Zero-Carbon Buildings Offer a Guiding North Star
Amid Climate Uncertainty, Zero-Carbon Buildings Offer a Guiding North Star
“Back in the good old days, the construction industry had to worry about a few keys things: Will it stand up, is it functional and does it look nice? Not so anymore.” So began WRI President and CEO Andrew Steer ...
As Road Accidents Pile Up, India Debates a New National Safety Law
As Road Accidents Pile Up, India Debates a New National Safety Law
In July last year, Nitin Gadkari, India’s minister for road transport and highways, informed parliament that the country loses over 150,000 lives to road traffic accidents every year. More damningly, the country has only about 2 percent of the world’s motor vehicles ...
The Better Bus Challenge: Accelerating Mobility Innovation for Public Transit in India
The Better Bus Challenge: Accelerating Mobility Innovation for Public Transit in India
Over the last decade, India has established itself as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Along with an annual GDP growth rate of 7.1 percent, the country is adding over 12 million people to the workforce every year. Coupled ...
Independence Haze: Data Shows Air Pollution Spikes from July 4th Fireworks
Independence Haze: Data Shows Air Pollution Spikes from July 4th Fireworks
Fireworks, block parties and barbeques: Those are the first things that come to mind when the 4th of July rolls around. But what’s least talked about is the quality of breathable air on the nation’s birthday. Data shows that levels of fine ...
Why We Need a Summit on Youth Urban Road Safety
Why We Need a Summit on Youth Urban Road Safety
Our cities are rapidly expanding, and with them motorization is increasing at an unchecked pace. Unless the global community takes meaningful strides to address the impact of these trends on the most vulnerable in our society, we will be met ...
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Community participation has become a checklist item for any major urban development project. But what does community participation actually mean? What would it look like if we flipped the responsibility of engagement from citizens to designers? What if, instead of ...