The 95th annual TRB meeting takes place this month in Washington, D.C. and will focus on multi-modal travel, technology and resilience. Photo by Omar Bárcena/Flickr.
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting will be held January 10–14, 2016, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, in Washington, D.C. The information-packed program is expected to attract more than 12,000 transportation professionals from around the world.
The meeting program will cover all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. The spotlight theme for the 2016 meeting is: Research Convergence for a Multimodal Future; “hot topics” include transformation technologies, resilience, and transportation and public health.
Below are a few of the event’s workshops, presentations and committee meetings that home in on road safety and sustainable transport, with the participation of WRI staff:
Global Applications of the Safe System Approach: Aiming for Zero Road Deaths
Sun, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Convention Center 103B
The notion that road deaths and injuries can be eliminated began in the mid-1990s and continues to evolve. Whether the approach is termed Vision Zero, Sustainable Safety, or Toward Zero Deaths, the safe system approach presents challenges and opportunities. Many countries, states, and cities are interested in establishing holistic safety programs. This workshop explores practical examples of program successes and challenges to assist safety champions and stakeholders. This event takes place in Convention Center 103B, and will feature Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Director of Health and Road Safety at World Resources Institute (WRI). Read more.
Public Transport Policy, Planning, and Practice in Developing Countries
Sun, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM Convention Center, 103B
The workshop will build on three very successful workshops from 2012 to 2014 and focus on commonalities and divergence in policy, planning, and practice with regard to public transport in developing countries. The primary objective is to present four speakers from different regions of the world and have an extensive discussion on policy and practice from the countries of persons attending. The goal is to transfer knowledge through contacts and expertise. Presentations include Gentrification from Transit in Taipei, Transport Policy and Practice in Central Asia and in Lagos, Nigeria, Cable Cars in La Paz, among others. This event takes place in Convention Center 103B, and features Dario Hidalgo, Director of Integrated Transport at WRI and co-presider Annie Chang, Transport Planner with EMBARQ. Read more.
Other presentations and meetings:
Poster Session 240 Transport in Developing Countries, Convention Center Hall E Mon, 8:30 AM – 10:15 AM, B036
The Built Environment and Travel Behavior in Mexico City – Seth Daniel Contreras; Gustavo Jimenez Vera, CTS Embarq México. Read more.
Lectern Session 258 Transport in Developing Countries, Mon, 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM, Convention Center, 150B
Effect of Neighborhood Transformation and BRT Implementation of Physical Activity of Catchment Area Residents in Mexico City – Annie Chang; Luis Miranda-Moreno; Xinyu Cao; Ben Welle. Read more.
Committee Meeting ABE090, Transportation in the Developing Countries Committee – with the participation of Adriana Lobo, Madhav Pai, Dario Hidalgo, Mon, 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Marriot Marquis Ballroom Salon 5 (M2).
Lectern Session 474 – Vision Zero: Pathways to the Safe City, Mon, 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM, Convention Center, 151B
What Makes Cities Safer by Design? Review of Evidence and Research on Practices to Improve Traffic Safety Through Urban and Street Design – Ben Welle; Wei Li; Claudia A Adriazola-Steil. Read more.
Poster Session 521 – Transportation Issue and Solutions in Major Cities, Tue, 8:30 AM – 10:15 AM, Convention Center, Hall E
Challenges and Opportunities of Chinas National Transit Metropolis Demonstration Program – Wei Li; Juan Velasquez; Lulu Xue; Dario Hidalgo. Read more.
Lectern Session 601 – Public Transport Mix: Challenges Around the World, Tue, 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM, Convention Center, 150B
Public Transport Mix, Challenges Around the World ;Al Colegio en Bici: Bogotas Bike-to-School Program – Dario Hidalgo; Leonel Miranda; Natalia Lleras; Juliana Rios. Read more.
Lectern Session 677 – Socioeconomic Aspects of Transport in China and Latin America, Tue, 3:45 PM -5:30 PM, Socioeconomic Aspects of Transport in China and Latin America, Ralph Gackenheirmer and Dario Hidalgo, co-presidents. Read more.
Two special events to highlight:
The 2015 Sustainable Transport Awards
Tuesday, January 12, 2016, Walter E Washington Convention Center, Ballroom C, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Now in the 11th year, the Sustainable Transport Award recognizes profound leadership, vision, and achievement in sustainable transportation and urban livability. The Award has been given annually to a city that has implemented innovative sustainable transportation projects in the preceding year. These strategies improve mobility for all residents, reduce transportation greenhouse and air pollution emissions, and improve safety and access for cyclists and pedestrians. Finalists are selected by an international committee of development experts and organizations working on sustainable transport.
Winners of the STA are an elite group of international cities that continue to be leaders in the field. Spanning a range of sizes, these cities prove that through vision, bold leadership, and innovative solutions, cities can become more sustainable, equitable, and livable. The STA focuses attention on these successes, highlighting their achievements and inspiring cities around the world to implement transport solutions of their own.
2015 Finalists are Yichang, China; Rosario, Argentina; and Moscow, Russia
Public Transport, BRT and Innovations Subcommittee ABE90(2)
Wednesday, January 13, 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM, Marriot Marquis, Supreme Court (M4) – Dario Hidalgo, Chair
Arturo Ardila, World Bank and Adriana Ortegón UCL: Sustainable Urban Transport Financing: From the Sidewalk to the Subway (new book)
Ki-Joon Kim and Lloyd Wright, Asian Development Bank: Trends Towards Direct Service BRT in Asia (presentation)
Patricia Lynn Scholl, Interamerican Development Bank, Evaluation of BRT systems in Montevideo, Lima and Cali
Nicolás Estupiñan, CAF Latin American Development Bank: Public Bicycle Systems: a practical guide for implementation and Motorcycles in Latin America Report (new book)
Juan Carlos Muñoz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Restructuring Public Transport through Bus Rapid Transit (New Book, BRT Center of Excellence, VREF)
Clayton Lane/Aimee Gauthier, ITDP, BRT Planning Guide/Standard 2016
Ranjana Menon/Amit Bhat, WRI India, Raahgiri and Car Free Days in India / Gender Issues in Public Transport in India
Sophie Roizard, World Business Council for Sustainable Development WBCSD, Sustainable Urban Mobility 2.0 (new book)
Ben Welle/ Claudia Adriazola, WRI, Cities Safer by Design (new report), Bloomberg Philanthropies Work in 10 Global Cities.
Carlosfelipe Pardo, Fundación Despacio, Bogota Bicycle Account, Guidelines for Bicycle inclusive design
Roger Gorham, World Bank, Africa News (new BRTs in Lagos, Dar es Salaam; LRT in Addis Ababa)
We will also honor the work by Manfred Breithaupt in GIZ, saying thanks for his efforts building the SUTP extensive library, and delivering 151 trainings around the world.