Posts tagged with 'youth'
ICLEI has long recommended that cities take integrated climate action, tackling both mitigation – lowering greenhouse gas emissions to prevent future climate change – and adaptation – preparing to cope with the climate change of today – in a holistic ...
While road safety is a critical issue across the globe as more cars hit the road and more people move to cities, African cities are disproportionately affected. Africa is the least motorized region globally, yet has the highest road traffic ...
In April 2019, Porto Alegre worked with WRI Brasil to implement the first segment of a tactical urbanism project that transformed a key intersection of busy João Alfredo Street, which runs through the heart of the Cidade Baixa neighborhood. The ...
This week, the United Nations celebrates the fifth iteration of its Global Road Safety Week with the theme of leadership. The topic highlights the role that elected leaders have in enforcing and implementing road safety goals at the national and ...
Our cities are rapidly expanding, and with them motorization is increasing at an unchecked pace. Unless the global community takes meaningful strides to address the impact of these trends on the most vulnerable in our society, we will be met ...
WRI Ross Center’s engagement with sub-Saharan African cities is emerging with new projects, research and training programs. In this series, we explore – and ask partners – how to pursue and maintain equal and sustainable cities, highlighting people, spaces, challenges ...
Given our increasingly complex and dynamic world, cities need to be continuously innovating in order to solve pressing social and environmental problems. Many cities worldwide are growing rapidly, and by 2050 it is estimated that 70 per cent of the world’s ...
Launched in Gurgaon, India in 2013, Raahgiri Day closes down city streets to cars, bringing people of all ages out to walk, bike, make music, and socialize. Recently, India’s Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, along with the Municipal Corporation ...
We live in a world where four out of five millennials prefer to live in walkable places with a variety of commuting options, a world where people want to drive less and socialize more. However, while the next generation’s desires ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
A version of this post was originally published on TheCityFix Brasil by Maria Fernanda Cavalcanti on March 26, 2012. A recent article in The New York Times by journalist Amy Chozick adds to the surmounting evidence that the attitude of younger ...
Scrapertown, a film by Drea Cooper & Zackary Canepari for “[It] is definitely a process, and that process is definitely for the kids so they can get their mind off of what’s really goin’ on on these streets,” says ...
Build your own bus stop with the new LEGO Public Transport Station set! The toymaker released its new set in August, allowing children (and the young-at-heart) to envision cities with high-quality transit, including buses, level-boarding platforms, bike racks at transport ...
Informed and engaged young people are key to moving transportation issues forward, bringing future advocates, citizens and practitioners into the next wave of transportation issues and smart transportation planning. This is especially important considering that the majority of youth – 85 ...
American young adults are driving less, says a recent piece in AdvertisingAge. Only 77 percent of 19-year-olds today have their license, compared to 92 percent in 1978. And the proportion of automobile miles driven by people aged 21 to 30 ...