Posts tagged with 'WRI India'
Lessons From the Better Bus Challenge in India
Lessons From the Better Bus Challenge in India
Public transport systems are vital to the functioning of cities the world over. They connect people to economic opportunities, education and health care; they can improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion and pollution. However, public transport in many cities ...
‘Code Red for Humanity’: Sinking Indian Cities
‘Code Red for Humanity’: Sinking Indian Cities
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warns, “India will see increased heat waves and heavy rainfall events, while glaciers will melt further, along with more compound events from rising sea-levels like flooding.” The report further states that “unequivocal human ...
Getting to Zero: Transforming the Dangerous Lalbaug Junction in Mumbai
Getting to Zero: Transforming the Dangerous Lalbaug Junction in Mumbai
Intersections are among the most high-risk locations along any urban road, where multiple transport modes and commuters collide. In Mumbai, intersections cover only a fraction of the 2,000-kilometer road network but account for nearly 40% of all high-risk zones. Mumbai’s crash ...
Overcoming Risk Aversion to Accelerate Green Investments: Lessons from Mexico, Brazil and India
Overcoming Risk Aversion to Accelerate Green Investments: Lessons from Mexico, Brazil and India
By 2030, cities will house approximately 60% of the world’s population and already more than one in three urban dwellers lack access to at least one core service like reliable energy, clean water or affordable housing. Green, sustainable infrastructure, including ...
Virtual Capacity Building: 5 Lessons From COVID-19
Virtual Capacity Building: 5 Lessons From COVID-19
This is part three in a series on capacity development for city leaders. The first two posts in this series discussed how effective capacity development should be rooted in the immediate needs and mandates of all stakeholders, and how collective action must ...
How Can Public Bike Sharing Thrive in Indian Cities?
How Can Public Bike Sharing Thrive in Indian Cities?
Cycling, a sustainable, healthy and low-cost mode of travel, has seen a resurgence in popularity during the pandemic as cars and buses stayed off the roads. During the lockdown in the UK, cycle-to-work schemes saw a 200% rise in bicycle orders from ...
Rethinking Urban Freight Transport in Mumbai: A Paradigm Shift from Road to Rail
Rethinking Urban Freight Transport in Mumbai: A Paradigm Shift from Road to Rail
As sales move increasingly online, e-commerce has boomed globally. Shipping goods has become more complex, as more items must be individually delivered to consumers’ homes, compared with bulk delivery to a store. In New York City, for example, the average ...
What Makes a Child-Friendly City? Redesigning Safer and Healthier Urban Spaces for Young People
What Makes a Child-Friendly City? Redesigning Safer and Healthier Urban Spaces for Young People
Children are often under-prioritized or even disregarded in urban planning and design. It’s estimated that up to 500 children die daily in road crashes around the world; thousands more incur injuries and psychological trauma from collisions with vehicles that can ...
Physical Distancing on Mumbai’s Trains Is Nearly Impossible, and Station Design Is a Big Reason Why
Physical Distancing on Mumbai’s Trains Is Nearly Impossible, and Station Design Is a Big Reason Why
Mumbai’s suburban rail system is the world’s busiest, serving 7.5 million riders a day. This photo story is an attempt at documenting moments of precarious travel in Mumbai city, as part of a larger investigation focused on infrastructure design that ...
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
Tactical Urbanism: An Adaptive Tool for Safe Distancing
When was the last time you walked through the market without being conscious about other people walking close to you or the last time you took a stroll to a neighborhood park without thinking about the hygiene around? The COVID-19 ...
Gurugram’s Youth: Give Us Safer Streets
Gurugram’s Youth: Give Us Safer Streets
India accounts for almost 12% of the 1.35 million road fatalities worldwide. But this public health crisis does not affect everyone equally. Children and young people are at heightened risk. In fact, road crashes are the most common cause of ...
Back to Business: Enabling Public Bus Systems Post-COVID-19
Back to Business: Enabling Public Bus Systems Post-COVID-19
The ongoing pandemic has wreaked immense and lasting damage to India’s economy, and passenger transport has been particularly affected. COVID-19’s far-reaching impact on the aviation and railway industry is well-documented, along with the struggles of auto and taxi drivers. However, a critical mode that has ...
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
To Clean Delhi’s Air, Reform Its Transport System
To Clean Delhi’s Air, Reform Its Transport System
Over the past few years, around the time when Diwali – the Hindu festival of lights and India’s biggest holiday – ends and winter sets in, Delhi’s air quality has plummeted to dangerous levels, initiating a series of debates and ...
Buildings Are a Hidden Source of Indian Cities’ Extreme Heat
Buildings Are a Hidden Source of Indian Cities’ Extreme Heat
India is ground zero for extreme heat. More than 6,100 people have died from heat events since 2010. Half of the country reeled under severe heat waves this summer, when temperatures reached over 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) in many places. The urban ...
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