Posts tagged with 'Washington, D.C.'
Q&A with Chris Zimmerman: The Future of Smart Growth in Arlington
Q&A with Chris Zimmerman: The Future of Smart Growth in Arlington
This interview is part of a bi-weekly series with sustainable transportation advocates, planners, engineers, journalists, sociologists, and other experts working to shed light on best practices and solutions from across the globe. We welcome your suggestions for future Q&As. Arlington ...
Bye Bye Bikeshare, See You Next Spring
Bye Bye Bikeshare, See You Next Spring
UPDATE, 12/15/10: Capital Bikeshare in Washington D.C. has announced the Winter Weather Warrior contest. To the Capital Bikeshare annual or monthly member with the most trips taken from January 1- February 28 goes a three-year extension of his/her membership, two ...
Studies Show the Connection Between Travel Times to Food Stores and Public Health
Studies Show the Connection Between Travel Times to Food Stores and Public Health
Generally, in the United States larger grocery store chains supply a variety of fresh food at lower costs, while independent grocers, bodegas and smaller stores have less selection and higher operating costs and prices.  Such stores tend to have a ...
D.C. Metro Gathers Feedback from Online Community for Long-Range Planning
D.C. Metro Gathers Feedback from Online Community for Long-Range Planning
The above video illustrates 2009 conditions in the “north mezzanine” area of the Union Station in Washington, D.C., a hub of metro and regional rail and bus service, during the afternoon rush period. This mezzanine connects the main terminal of ...
Two-Way Street Between D.C. and the Dutch
Two-Way Street Between D.C. and the Dutch
The Royal Netherlands Embassy hosted a two-day series of workshops, known as ThinkBike, in Washington, D.C. last week, bringing together Dutch bicycling experts, local transportation planners, engineers, advocates and cyclists to plan and discuss how to improve biking in the nation’s capital. The ...
Primer on Post-Election Purple Line
Primer on Post-Election Purple Line
The Purple Line is a proposed 16-mile light rail line from Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George’s County. The transit corridor would link, from east to west, suburban Maryland communities that include the dense business and ...
All the Stops in Washington, D.C.?
All the Stops in Washington, D.C.?
What can blogging do for the public dialogue on transportation? As we wrote about last week, the localization of blogging leads to available and accessible information in the public sphere, strengthened ties among advocates, experts and citizens, as well as ...
Cities in Focus: New York City
Cities in Focus: New York City
Last week, EMBARQ (the producer of this blog) premiered the latest video in its documentary series, “Cities in Focus: New York City,” a five-minute film that showcases New York City’s recent innovations and successes in developing sustainable transportation options for cyclists, pedestrians ...
Upcoming Events: Capital Bikeshare on the Move and Car-Free Days
Upcoming Events: Capital Bikeshare on the Move and Car-Free Days
According Kent Boese of the blog Parkview DC, the installation of a Capital Bikeshare station in Petworth is complete. Beose says, the “station is one of three that will be available to Park View residents. The other two are scheduled ...
Cities in Flux: From D.C. to Baltimore
Cities in Flux: From D.C. to Baltimore
This is part of TheCityFix’s series, “Cities in Flux,” about demographic shifts as a result of development, immigration, migration, politics and the environment. We look at how city planning and transportation policies respond to this movement. Washington and Baltimore experienced ...
Yes! Is East of the River: A Window Into Transportation and Access in Ward 8
Yes! Is East of the River: A Window Into Transportation and Access in Ward 8
The first organic market to open east of the Anacostia is certainly a milestone but is it accessible? According to a press release announcing the new supermarket: “… Yes! Organic Market is committed to making fresh produce and healthy food ...
Tip of the Helmet: Bird Names for Bike Crossings and Capital Bikeshare Swag
Tip of the Helmet: Bird Names for Bike Crossings and Capital Bikeshare Swag
Two recent developments in D.C. merit a Tip of the Helmet, the second installment of our Colbert-inspired series to highlight recent promising developments in the sustainable transport world.
DCRider: New Transit App for the Masses
DCRider: New Transit App for the Masses
Last week, the Washington Post Co. released a new public transit iPhone app, DCRider. (If you don’t have an iPhone, you can also use DCRider on your computer: The free app features: Train times and Metro alerts: Find out ...
Giro d'Italia Closer to Coming to D.C.
Giro d'Italia Closer to Coming to D.C.
A D.C. stage of Giro d’Italia 2012  is looking more and more likely these days. Yesterday, D.C. proved its ability to host a large-scale pro cycling road race as cyclists took over Pennsylvania Avenue in the Capital Criterium race, organized by ...
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Yesterday I attended “Biking, Walking, and Public Transport: Smart Mobility for the 21st Century” at the Goethe-Institut. The event kicked off with a great hands-on demonstration of how to change a bike tire by Daniel Hoagland, D.C.’s star bike ambassador. Some ...
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