Posts tagged with 'walking'
We now have less than seven years to cut emissions in half in order to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees C, the limit scientists say is necessary for averting some of the most dangerous climate impacts. 2022 saw flooding, drought and severe ...
Until just a few years ago, the right riverbank of the Seine in Paris was an urban highway used by over 40,000 vehicles every day. Despite being named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the road was either heavily gridlocked during rush ...
As our colleagues have covered previously, there are clear health and environmental benefits to adopting electric school buses instead of their diesel counterparts, which account for more than 90% of the U.S. school bus fleet and result in harmful exhaust ...
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, offers U.S. states and cities the chance to invest in transportation systems that modernize infrastructure, expand access and mobility for all people in a community, improve public ...
The latest findings from the IPCC paint a grim picture: Despite some signs of progress, the world’s chance of holding global warming to 1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) is shrinking — and with it, our ability to prevent the most dangerous ...
There’s never been a better time to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Oil and gas prices are skyrocketing as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with gas prices exceeding $4 a gallon in the United States in March 2022 ...
I recently had the pleasure of re-visiting Curitiba, Brazil, thanks to an invitation from the Smart Cities Expo. I made my first pilgrimage in 2000, when Bogotá was implementing its bus rapid transit system, Transmilenio, and returned twice after that. ...
With every fraction of a degree of global warming, climate change impacts will intensify. In the latest installment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, 278 scientists from 65 countries find that the world should peak GHG ...
In recent years, many cities have launched new efforts to build healthier urban environments – happier, safer and cleaner places to work and play. Then, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. But in many ways, it laid bare the ...
One of the biggest challenges of a transition to a low-carbon world is to change the way we get around. Electrifying transport is a key element of this, but it’s about far more than selling electric cars and installing charging ...
Visit to watch full sessions from the conference. And join the conversation on Twitter with #TTDC22. After COP26, transport has reached an important milestone in the global climate conversation. The electric revolution is underway and it’s now a centerpiece ...
Visit to watch full sessions from the conference. And join the conversation on Twitter with #TTDC22. The case for decarbonizing transport cannot be clearer: it’s the fastest growing sector of emissions after industry, representing nearly a quarter of CO2 ...
In the global conversation around decarbonizing transport, the spotlight on electric vehicles has never shone brighter. The EV revolution is underway, with consumers embracing them in record numbers and manufacturing ramping up around the world. And yet, electric vehicles will ...
The coronavirus pandemic hit public transport hard. Global ridership tanked initially by as much as 80%, and transit was still at around just 20% of pre-pandemic ridership at the end of 2020. There is serious concern that people will increasingly opt for private vehicles, should public ...
For men, women, and children, movement around and across Ugandan cities is dominated by minibuses, motorcycle taxis and walking. However, gender roles and differences in priorities and values mean women’s and men’s travel needs can differ widely. Recently, interviews conducted ...
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