Posts tagged with 'video'
We are not immune to the royal wedding festivities here at EMBARQ, the producer of this blog. Our interests were especially piqued when we learned about the Mayor of London’s intent on commissioning a special tandem bike for William and ...
Conductor: from Alexander Chen on Vimeo. Alexander Chen, a Google developer and a public transit enthusiast, created a real-time melodic visualization of the New York City subway system, using the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s actual subway schedule. Titled, “Conductor,” Chen ...
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) confirmed contraflow bike lanes with proper signage and pavement markings as permissible under the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). MUTCD is a periodically updated set of national standards for all traffic control devices ...
“It’s time for Detroit to reclaim the mantle of transportation innovation,” says Transport Michigan, a blog that posted a new video about light rail on its YouTube channel, TrainsDownTheMiddle. Set to the tune of Eminem’s “I’m Not Afraid,” the latest music video argues ...
It’s a universal experience for metro riders: the feeling of emerging from the underground, somewhat disoriented and bleary-eyed, until you find your way. Filmmakers Sarah Klein and Tom Mason of Redglass Pictures, a New York-based production studio, capture the essence of transit ...
We’ve written before about how video can be a powerful tool for environmental change. This year’s 19th Annual Environmental Film Festival, held in Washington, D.C., presents 150 films from 40 countries “that will deepen our understanding of the relationship between ...
A motorist sped through a crowd of cyclists in Porto Alegre, Brazil last Friday evening, injuring at least 15 people and sending several others to the hospital. The victims were participating in a monthly Critical Mass event to raise awareness ...
Ah, the Bicycle Film Festival is on again! It premieres this week, hitting up Liverpool, Ireland, Portland, Ore. and Chicago, Ill. The founding director, Brendt Barbur, started the festival when he was hit by a bus while bike riding in ...
Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVhk) is a startup that seeks to invest capital and provide capacity building and results measuring to social enterprises. The organization is currently working with a project called Diamond Cab – one of a number of ...
People from 50 cities in 24 countries stripped down to their skivvies on Sunday to participate in the tenth annual No Pants Subway Ride, a serious feat considering how cold it’s been in recent weeks. The subway event originated in New ...
Scrapertown, a film by Drea Cooper & Zackary Canepari for “[It] is definitely a process, and that process is definitely for the kids so they can get their mind off of what’s really goin’ on on these streets,” says ...
The above video illustrates 2009 conditions in the “north mezzanine” area of the Union Station in Washington, D.C., a hub of metro and regional rail and bus service, during the afternoon rush period. This mezzanine connects the main terminal of ...
Last night, EMBARQ (the producer of this blog) premiered the latest video in its documentary series, “Cities in Focus: Curitiba,” a five-minute film that profiles innovative examples of sustainable urban development, with a focus on transit-oriented development (TOD) and bus rapid ...
Copenhagen’s tourism office Wonderful Copenhagen ( created a new promotional video, “We Love Bikes.” The video promotes the 2011 Road World Championships for bicycle road racing, which will be hosted in Copenhagen.
Via the Infrastructurist, we came across this video on the daily commute in Manhattan’s new First Avenue bike lane. The video is another window into cyclist culture, which we wrote about yesterday, and it reinforces the need for design that ...
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