Posts tagged with 'urban services'
Overcoming Risk Aversion to Accelerate Green Investments: Lessons from Mexico, Brazil and India
Overcoming Risk Aversion to Accelerate Green Investments: Lessons from Mexico, Brazil and India
By 2030, cities will house approximately 60% of the world’s population and already more than one in three urban dwellers lack access to at least one core service like reliable energy, clean water or affordable housing. Green, sustainable infrastructure, including ...
In Nairobi, Residents Redesign Public Spaces to Build Flood Resilience
In Nairobi, Residents Redesign Public Spaces to Build Flood Resilience
During Caroline Owala’s childhood, flooding during rainstorms was a normal occurrence. “When it rained, it would be very difficult for us to even sleep because the flooding would get into the houses,” she told WRI. Caroline grew up in Kibera, ...
Informal Transport Must Play a Bigger Role in Post-Pandemic Recovery. Here’s How That Can Happen.
Informal Transport Must Play a Bigger Role in Post-Pandemic Recovery. Here’s How That Can Happen.
Crisis often sparks changes to the ways we move. Post-war prosperity made the automobile a household item, and lifestyle. The 1970s global oil and fiscal crisis brought a short-lived bike boom and a retreat of city dollars for public transit. ...
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
In some ways, cities are like households: they must make adjustments in spending based on cash flow. If your income is cut in half, then you may have to dramatically rethink your standard of living. COVID-19 has hit many households ...
New Land Use Mapping Paints a Clearer Picture of Urban Life
New Land Use Mapping Paints a Clearer Picture of Urban Life
Remote sensing has revolutionized how we measure and understand the Earth. We can now track deforestation across the globe, predict end-of-season crop yields and identify wildfires in near real-time. But exploration into its possibilities for urban areas has only just begun. ...
Developing Cities Need Cash. Land Value Capture Can Help
Developing Cities Need Cash. Land Value Capture Can Help
Some of the fastest growing cities in developing countries like India, Brazil and Ethiopia are strapped for cash. These cities often struggle to provide basic infrastructure and services for a growing population, leading to widespread inequalities. Up to 70% of residents in developing ...
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
5 Big Ideas to Address the Climate Crisis and Inequality in Cities
EDITOR’S NOTE: Sustainable Food Production for a Resilient Rosario won the 2020-2021 Prize for Cities on June 29, 2021. Learn more here. (June 29, 2021) City life can be deeply unfair. This was true before the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how ...
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
5 Keys to a Climate-Resilient Recovery After COVID-19
The climate change crisis continues to create unprecedented risk for humanity. Extreme weather threatens food security, increases poverty and inequality and contributes to the spread of disease. Now, also faced with the economic fallout from COVID-19, billions of people are struggling to ...
Urban Sanitation Is a Climate and Economic Issue Too
Urban Sanitation Is a Climate and Economic Issue Too
Along the Ngong River in Mukuru, one of Nairobi’s slum neighborhoods and home to more than 100,000 people, residents face a dual threat when the rains come. First, the river rises, flooding into streets and houses. Then the water reaches ...
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
As the Coronavirus Looms, Can African Cities Become More Walkable and Bikeable?
Cities in Africa are in something of a quandary when it comes to COVID-19. To date, the impact of the disease has been much less than most experts predicted. As of this writing, the continent has had over 890,000 confirmed ...
India Must Plan New Strategy for Cities to Reap Full Benefits of 'Self-Reliance’ Initiative
India Must Plan New Strategy for Cities to Reap Full Benefits of ‘Self-Reliance’ Initiative
While announcing a stimulus package of INR 20 lakh crore ($260 billion) in his address to the nation on May 12, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged citizens to make use of the opportunity provided by the COVID-19 pandemic to ...
A Fairer and More Sustainable Post-COVID World in Latin America
A Fairer and More Sustainable Post-COVID World in Latin America
The large cities in the Latin American region all have one thing in common: the opportunities for employment and income are concentrated in a few districts while, more and more, sprawling housing zones are located on the outskirts of cities ...
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
Cities, Battered by COVID-19, Remain Key to Recovery. How Can Investments Be Well Spent?
As the world reels from the COVID-19 pandemic, investment packages are taking shape to provide relief and recovery. Cities from New York to Nairobi are not only on the frontlines of the health and economic impacts, but they provide immense ...
From My Window: A View of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mumbai
From My Window: A View of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mumbai
Inequality is shaping how people are experiencing COVID-19 in cities to a startling degree. The vulnerability of the urban poor is striking everywhere, but the divide is more visible in some places than others. This is where I live on ...
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
Tackling Inequality in Cities Is Essential for Fighting COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruptive new normal for everyone through shelter-in-place orders and social distancing guidelines. But for the billions of urban poor, these guidelines aren’t just burdensome; they’re essentially impossible. Social distancing is a critically important response ...
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