Posts tagged with 'urban development'
Urban Water Governance in the Developing World: Accountability and Affordability Are Keys to Water Access
In 2015, the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that there are 663 million people around the world without access to safe drinking water, with nearly half of these people living in sub-Saharan Africa. While Africa’s urban areas ...
Combatting Traffic Congestion with Transport Demand Management in China
Combatting Traffic Congestion with Transport Demand Management in China
China has experienced unprecedented urbanization over the past 30 years, leading to rapid mobilization and a seven fold increase in the nation’s urban area. According to the Ministry of Housing’s China Urban Construction Statistical Yearbook, China’s built urban area grew ...
Video: "What Are You Waiting For, Brazil?" Jan Gehl Calls Cities to Action
Video: "What Are You Waiting For, Brazil?" Jan Gehl Calls Cities to Action
At 80 years old, Danish architect and urbanist Jan Gehl shares his ideas on how to build a better future for global cities. Gehl has spent more than 50 years in academia and the professional world becoming a different, and ...
Q&A with Stephanie Meeks: Why the Key to Successful, Future Cities Lies in the Past
By 2030, the United States will demolish 82 billion square feet of existing building space to create new and modern structures. While some new buildings may be equipped with energy saving technologies and materials, the construction process itself consumes a lot ...
Live from Habitat III: A Focus on Housing, Energy and Transport for More Equal Cities
Live from Habitat III: A Focus on Housing, Energy and Transport for More Equal Cities
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. “The New Urban Agenda is about the challenge of making cities work—for the economy, for the environment, for people. It’s ...
Improving Life for the Urban Under-Served Makes Cities Better for All – But That’s Not the Only Reason to Do It
Improving Life for the Urban Under-Served Makes Cities Better for All – But That’s Not the Only Reason to Do It
The New Urban Agenda – a vision of inclusive, resilient, sustainable cities where everyone has access to resources and economic opportunity – will be center stage next month at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, known as Habitat III. ...
Historic Reform to Transform the Urban Model in Mexico
Historic Reform to Transform the Urban Model in Mexico
Mexico is an eminently urban country. 78 percent of the Mexican population lives in an urban locality of more than 2,500 inhabitants, and 63 percent live in urban centers with more than 15,000 inhabitants. Urban development should be a priority ...
Friday Fun: How Pokémon Go Is Creating a New Generation of Urban Explorers
Friday Fun: How Pokémon Go Is Creating a New Generation of Urban Explorers
In the past few weeks, if you’ve seen people roaming around, staring at their phones and spontaneously shouting with glee, or crowds of people inexplicably congregating in parks, there’s a good chance you’ve witnessed someone playing Pokémon Go. Since its ...
Thinking “Incrementally”: Addressing the Global Housing Deficit by Engaging the Poor
Thinking “Incrementally”: Addressing the Global Housing Deficit by Engaging the Poor
Surprising many in the architectural community, this year’s prestigious Pritzker Prize went to Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena. Though the award—often regarded as the Nobel Prize of architecture—prompts images of iconic skyscrapers or cultural centers, Aravena initially achieved fame for his firm’s ...
Creating “Super-Blocks” in Barcelona
Creating “Super-Blocks” in Barcelona
Barcelona is re-designing its streets; city planners released a new plan that takes city spaces back from cars, for the people. Re-orienting the city to the human scale, Barcelona’s leaders have decided to create more space for walking and cycling, ...
Urban Planning “Games”: A Novel Approach to an Old Problem
Urban Planning “Games”: A Novel Approach to an Old Problem
How do you liven up discussions around urban planning, get participants thinking outside of the box and get people to take a holistic and inclusive approach to community planning? Why not try a game? Games are emerging as a useful ...
What Can We Learn from Thailand’s Inclusive Approach to Upgrading Informal Settlements?
What Can We Learn from Thailand’s Inclusive Approach to Upgrading Informal Settlements?
Currently, an estimated one billion people worldwide live in informal settlements where they lack access to basic services and infrastructure and are often threatened with forced eviction. While the overall proportion of the world’s urban population living in informal settlements ...
A New Coalition Will Prove Sustainable Cities Are Better for Growth, Better for Climate
A New Coalition Will Prove Sustainable Cities Are Better for Growth, Better for Climate
Cities are all about efficiency. It’s why they exist: to allow easy access to jobs, goods, services and ideas. However, in many countries, new and expanding cities are sprawling, car-dependent and uncoordinated – a set-up that’s not only inefficient, but ...
Lima’s Villa El Salvador: A Story of Structured Informal Development
Lima’s Villa El Salvador: A Story of Structured Informal Development
Although Lima’s Villa El Salvador neighborhood was just a dusty plain called the Tablada de Lurín in 1971, it would soon become home to some of the city’s poorest residents. At the time, there were no electricity lines, no wells, ...
Streets of Bhubaneswar, India
India's Smart Cities Mission Takes A Forward Step
In the last 15 years of my professional career, many concepts around urban development have come and gone, but none have evoked such an excitement as the Narendra Modi government’s proposed 100 Smart Cities initiative, that has a price tag ...
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