Posts tagged with 'United States'
Americans Ditching the Driver's Seat
Americans Ditching the Driver's Seat
Could this be the end of America’s love affair with cars? Over the years, driving has slowed down, leveled out, and then finally, with the dramatic increase in gas prices, declined. Now, we are “witnessing the largest sustained drops in ...
California Gets Tough on Global Warming
California Gets Tough on Global Warming
The California Air Resources Board voted unanimously yesterday to adopt “the most comprehensive roadmap to date to cut the amount of heat-trapping emissions in the United States.” (via Associated Press.) From an ARB press release: The Air Resources Board today ...
Boulder Wins Platinum in Biking
Boulder Wins Platinum in Biking
“Boulder Goes Bike Platinum” by Streetfilms The League of American Cyclists has bestowed one of its highest honors on Boulder, CO: a Platinum ranking for bike friendly communities. Now along with Portland, OR and Davis, CA, Boulder is a shining ...
Public Transit Ridership Hits Record Highs
Public Transit Ridership Hits Record Highs
Crowds on the DC Metro system. Photo by Techne. With the average price per gallon of gas down to $1.75 – the lowest in nearly five years – it may come as a surprise that Americans continue to ride buses, ...
Greening the Big Three Bailout
Greening the Big Three Bailout
Photo of the Ford Escape Hybrid, which Ford CEO Alan Mulally drove to DC from Detroit, by Ford Motor Company from Flickr. Yesterday, the “Big Three” U.S. automakers — General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler — got a ...
San Francisco to Lead U.S. in Congestion Charging?
San Francisco to Lead U.S. in Congestion Charging?
Photo of Golden Gate Bridge congestion in San Francisco by Sonja_Boeckmann from Flickr The second-most congested city in the nation is considering a plan to charge motorists to drive on local roads in an effort to relieve traffic woes. A ...
Cleveland's 'Healthline' - the Newest BRT in the US
Cleveland’s ‘Healthline’ – the Newest BRT in the US
After years of planning, the new Euclid Ave. Healthline has opened in Cleveland, Ohio. The project showcases a relative low cost alternative for cities looking for ways to improve accessibility. The Healthline joins a growing list of BRT systems in ...
Individual American Consumers Responsible for Over 65% of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Individual American Consumers Responsible for Over 65% of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
From WSJ Article: A Big Sum of Small Differences According to the Wall Street Journal, new analysis from McKinsey & Co. suggests that U.S. consumers have more control over U.S. greenhouse gas emissions than conventionally believed. Through what and how ...
Is America's Love Affair with the Car Over?
Is America's Love Affair with the Car Over?
That’s the number of miles American’s have shaved off their driving total between November 2007 and May 2008.
It's Time to Learn from The Brits
It's Time to Learn from The Brits
A street in London built on a human scale. Photo by dnlb2. The BBC has run a piece by Dermot Finch, the director of Centre for Cities, which argues that UK cities have a lot to teach their Trans-Atlantic neighbors ...
Saving Money and the Environment by Changing The Way You Drive
Saving Money and the Environment by Changing The Way You Drive
Today, NPR had an interesting story about “Hypermilers”, a group of people who try and get every last bit of distance out of each gallon of gas they use in their cars. In an ideal world, record high gas prices ...
Community Living Rooms - An Effort to Make LA's Bus Stops A Little Nicer
Community Living Rooms – An Effort to Make LA's Bus Stops A Little Nicer
Photo by Monica Almeida from The New York Times. This weekend the New York Times had an article about a neat initiative to transform bus stops in Los Angeles into something called “community living rooms” – that’s a pleasant and ...
Taking Public Transit Can Improve Public Health
Taking Public Transit Can Improve Public Health
By walking twenty minutes each way from the metro in Atlanta to her job at the American Cancer Society, Lois Fletcher has lost more than thirty pounds. It’s a remarkable story about how tweaking your day to day routine can ...
New York City's Congestion Pricing Plan Killed in Albany
New York City's Congestion Pricing Plan Killed in Albany
Photo by Christopher Chan. Yesterday, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced that Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing bill would not move through Albany, a huge blow to New York City’s livable streets movement and Bloomberg’s ambitious PLANYC, which had congestion pricing as ...
More Problems with Bio-fuels
More Problems with Bio-fuels
Soy beans on the left, and corn, on the right, are being used for bio-fuel. Photo by cindy47452. Today, Brenda Gorman reports in the New York Times about a rash of cases involving the bio-fuels industry in which industrial waste ...
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