Posts tagged with 'United States'
Congestion Pricing for New York City?
Congestion Pricing for New York City?
A more peaceful New York? Photo from The New York Times reports today that Mayor Bloomberg will announce on Sunday an ambitious proposal to give New York City a much needed face lift. Among the undertakings included in the ...
Better Bike Lanes
When it comes to making a city bike friendly, the simple bike lane is not enough. Check out this video featuring Transportation Alternatives, The Project for Public Spaces, and The Open Planning Project, which calls for a system that segregates ...
Do Commuters Have Souls?
Do Commuters Have Souls?
This week’s edition of the New Yorker includes a splendid piece on The Soul of the Commuter. Why, the article asks, do American’s subject themselves to painstakingly long commutes, even when these commutes aren’t in their best interest? “People may ...
A Sustainable Parking Garage? Only in LA
A Sustainable Parking Garage? Only in LA
A friend of mine who lived in Los Angeles once told me that on bad days the city felt like one large parking lot. These days things have improved…slightly. That’s because LA now boasts the construction of the first sustainable ...
Plug-In Hybrid School Buses Hit the Streets in Florida
Plug-In Hybrid School Buses Hit the Streets in Florida
A Tampa Bay news service reports that the Manatee County Florida School District is the first school district to receive hybrid buses through the Plug-In Hybrid Electric School Bus Project. The article notes that, “The hybrid school buses provide 70-100 ...
Biofuels Get Another Boost With New US-Brazil Agreement
Biofuels Get Another Boost With New US-Brazil Agreement
The buzz surrounding biofuels grew even louder this week during President Bush’s high profile visit to Brazil. Bush met with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Sao Paolo, where the two leaders signed a new green fuels agreement ...
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