Posts tagged with 'United States'
“Plastic kills, and the damages of plastic pollution have no borders. We cannot beat plastic pollution if we don’t tackle climate change, environmental loss and food crises at the same time.” That was the powerful message Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo ...
In March 2023, the White House announced its federal budget, including funding for a groundbreaking initiative: the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP). The program is unlike anything the U.S. has supported in the past as it will provide matching ...
Editor’s Note: This article was updated in April 2023 with new findings from WRI’s dataset tracking electric school bus adoption in the United States, covering October to December 2022. To the best of our knowledge, these statistics are updated as of Dec. ...
Many people point to forest restoration as a way to curb climate change, where replanted forests sequester carbon in trees and soils. But emerging evidence shows that restoration can provide non-carbon climate benefits, too — in particular, reducing heat and regulating rainfall. Here’s what ...
China’s transport CO2 emissions accounted for 11% of the world’s transport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, following only the United States (21%), according to data from Climate Watch. And these numbers have been growing rapidly: The average annual growth rate of China’s transport ...
About two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. While cities are hubs of innovation and opportunity, the increasing pace of urbanization also exacerbates inequality, stresses infrastructure, and fuels climate change, air pollution and other environmental problems. The ...
Transportation connects us to one another. It’s how we get to school and work, how we visit our families, and how we access our food and health care. It’s also how we ship goods and deliver services. As economies and ...
We now have less than seven years to cut emissions in half in order to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees C, the limit scientists say is necessary for averting some of the most dangerous climate impacts. 2022 saw flooding, drought and severe ...
More than 20 million students in the United States ride school buses every year. This equals approximately 7 billion trips per year, making school buses one of the most widely used forms of public transport in the United States. But those trips aren’t always ...
The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act marked two of the most profound pieces of climate legislation in U.S. history. With approximately $370 billion available for climate and clean energy investments and $50 billion ...
Let’s not forget what we learned during 2020 about the fragility of our food supply chains: the prevailing, globalized model is as fragile as a spider web. It can shatter into dangling threads in times of crisis, such as a pandemic ...
Urban freight and delivery services boomed during the COVID-19 pandemic as consumers switched to online shopping when businesses were forced to close. The surge in online market activity that began in 2020 builds on a decade of steady growth related to the ...
Congestion pricing is one of the most common-sense tools to curbing traffic, reducing tailpipe emissions and creating a more efficient transportation system that gets people where they need to go. It’s also extremely politically contentious, especially in cities in the ...
As hubs of talent and innovation, American cities are uniquely positioned to fight climate change and improve the health, economy and well-being of their residents. The Biden administration’s Justice40 Initiative and funding available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provide rare ...
President Biden suggested that the United States implement a Federal Gas Tax holiday to help consumers weather historically high gas prices. Gas prices doubled in the United States between February 2021 and June 2022, topping out at more than $5 ...
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