Posts tagged with 'road safety'
Should pedestrians get the royal treatment every day? Photo by trasroid.
Pedestrians get the royal treatment in Brasilia
More than 270,000 pedestrians are killed in run-ins with cars and other motor vehicles each year around the world. On Brazilian roads alone, over 10,000 pedestrian lives are lost each year. This staggeringly high number reaffirms the urgent need to ...
Citi Bike, America's largest bike-sharing system opened in New York City on Monday. Photo by shinya.
Bike-sharing arrives in New York City via Citi Bike
New York City has joined the ranks of U.S. cities now offering bike-sharing systems. Sponsored by CitiBank and launched on Monday, Citi Bike offers residents, commuters, and visitors to the “Big Apple” an additional mobility and urban connectivity option, in the form ...
Boarding El Metropolitano BRT in Lima, Peru. Photo by EMBARQ.
Q&A with Hernan Navarro: Lima’s El Metropolitano BRT
In a capital city with 8 million inhabitants, not only was Lima’s advanced bus system the first of its kind in the country, but it also provides valuable lessons for the rest of Latin America. Building on the Lima experience, ...
Pedestrians in mid-town Manhattan, New York City. By moriza.
Brazil celebrates pedestrian safety for Global Road Safety Week
Pedestrian Safety is the theme the United Nations’ second annual Global Road Safety Week, May 6-12, 2013. Five thousand pedestrians are killed in road accidents each week across the world. In an urban environment that often places cars, motorcycles and ...
By marcusjroberts.
Tackling road safety in India: Discussions from CONNECTKaro
Sustainable transport can save lives on India’s roads. The key focus of the CONNECTKaro 2013 session on “Road safety in Indian cities” was to highlight the magnitude of the challenge of road safety in India through case studies of different practices ...
Intermediate public transport services such as auto-rickshaws are an important part of sustainable urban transport in India. Photo by Roy Sinai.
Rickshaw-Taxi Online Discussion Group – A Summary of Discussions
This blog post is part of the Catalyzing New Mobility program and receives support from The Rockefeller Foundation. Intermediate public transport (IPT) services, such as auto-rickshaws and taxis are an important part of sustainable urban transport in India. Over the ...
Children play in Mumbai, India. Photo by EMBARQ.
5 keys to sustainable development in Indian cities
By Holger Dalkmann and Ashwin Prabhu — this post also appears in WRI Insights Indian cities are urbanizing at an unprecedented scale and pace. Over the next few decades, India’s urban population is expected to increase significantly, from 377 million in 2011 ...
Amman. By David Bjorgen.
Will Jordan get its advanced bus system?
For outside observers, Queen Rania Street, a bustling thoroughfare in central Amman, has an odd feature running for two kilometers down the center of the road: a vacant lane. It has been adopted by cyclists as an unofficial bike lane, ...
Photo by Mariana Gil - EMBARQBrasil.
World Health Organization report connects road safety with mass transport
On March 14, the World Health Organization (WHO) released its latest Global Status Report on Road Safety, previously published in 2009. The Global Status Report is the authoritative document for traffic safety. The 2009 publication of the report included just ...
Photo by Tom Spender.
Connecting sustainable transport to urban development in India
In 2011, nearly 350 million people lived in Indian cities. More than 300 million new residents will join them over the next few decades to become part of the new urban India. This population boom will stress an already-pressured urban infrastructure ...
Photo by Scania Group.
Safer mobility, safer climate
Each time we travel extra miles in private cars, we emit more CO2, and we create more traffic related deaths and injuries (see data from the International Energy Agency and the World Health Organization). Each year 1.3 million die from ...
Photo by peskymonkey.
World Health Day: 5 questions on how transport is related to health
TheCityFix interviewed EMBARQ Health and Road safety expert, Claudia Adriazola-Steil, for World Health Day 2013: Q1. How can we tackle the problem of rising obesity and physical inactivity through transport? Lack of physical activity contributes to 3.2 million deaths annually, ...
Photo by Hector Rios, EMBARQ Mexico.
Developing countries as junker graveyards: the global cost of used cars
Remember that 1994 blue minivan that your mom used to pick you up from school in? Well, chances are that gas-guzzling, oil-burning junker is probably still chugging along south of the U.S. border, maybe hauling around a Mexican family in ...
Campaign launch.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, begins campaign to respect pedestrians
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, has taken an important step in protecting its pedestrians. Two weeks ago, the capital of the eponymous Brazilian state launched the campaign, “Pedestrians. I respect” (“Pedestre. Eu Respeito”) on city streets. The launch of the program is ...
Women making strides on public transport. By ¡Carlitos.
Making Transport Safer for Women
When the lack of safety for women in transport makes headlines December’s brutal gang rape and assault with an iron bar that caused fatal internal injury to a 23-year-old student on a public bus in New Delhi has caused nationwide ...
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