Posts tagged with 'motorcycles'
Building New Informal Bus Routes To Advance Transportation Equity
Building New Informal Bus Routes To Advance Transportation Equity
Do informal transport networks in African cities provide equitable services for everyone that needs them? Unsurprisingly, the answer is often no. Operators frequently prefer to drive the safest and most central routes, inadvertently prioritizing commuters traveling to formal jobs in ...
Solar-Powered Battery Swap Stations Could Speed Rwanda’s Shift to Electric ‘Motos’
Solar-Powered Battery Swap Stations Could Speed Rwanda’s Shift to Electric ‘Motos’
Like many parts of Africa, motorcycles are the most popular form of transportation among Rwanda’s 13.3 million people. Whether they’re commuting to work or school, transporting jugs of water from the local taps or just running everyday errands, people on ...
How 'Complete Streets' Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
How ‘Complete Streets’ Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
Urban development in many cities around the world prioritizes making space for cars over pedestrians, cyclists or public transportation. In Brazil, this design led to an average of more than 30,000 annual road crash fatalities nationwide by the turn of the century, ...
How Battery Swaps Are Helping to ChargeUp! Kenya’s E-Mobility Transition
How Battery Swaps Are Helping to ChargeUp! Kenya’s E-Mobility Transition
Like many cities, Nairobi greets visitors with the sight of densely packed buildings, the scent of roasting food and the sound of honking horns, mostly from motorcycles weaving through traffic. While these popular motorcycles provide an affordable and fast form ...
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
To cut transport emissions, moving vehicles away from burning fossil fuels is a fundamental step. However, the e-mobility transition is not only an opportunity to reduce emissions but to modernize mobility across the board, from expanding access to public transport ...
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
Most people in India walk – to work, to the market or to the railway station. According to the 2011 Indian census, 48% of people walk or cycle to work every day compared to the less than 3% of people ...
5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
The momentum towards low-carbon and sustainable transport is growing globally, but the sector still lags behind many others and each country faces a unique path to travel. Political landscapes, regulations, industry interests, market set-ups, financial resources and social considerations all ...
A Greener, Cleaner and Better Vietnam Through Transport Decarbonization
A Greener, Cleaner and Better Vietnam Through Transport Decarbonization
This is the third installment in a series of articles documenting lessons learned across NDC-TIA country activities, to be published throughout 2022. In Vietnam, a country home to 97 million inhabitants, there are 65 million registered motorcycles and mopeds,1.5 million ...
3 Ways Countries Are Expanding Electric Mobility Access
3 Ways Countries Are Expanding Electric Mobility Access
As the pandemic has changed the way we get around and purchase goods, the world is considering how to make transport more efficient and sustainable. We’ve seen increasing efforts to expand electric mobility, as governments formulate policies to stimulate adoption ...
Lessons from Lockdown: How COVID-19 Affected Road Safety Around the World
Lessons from Lockdown: How COVID-19 Affected Road Safety Around the World
COVID-19 changed the way people move around cities. In 2020, demand for travel dropped dramatically, and many urban areas enforced restrictions on movement through lockdowns in a bid to control the impact of the pandemic. These lockdown periods throughout most ...
Thailand’s Songkran Road Deaths Can Be Avoided
Thailand’s Songkran Road Deaths Can Be Avoided
Too many of us have been personally touched by tragic road crashes that have maimed or killed a loved one. For far too many, Songkran – Thailand’s festival to celebrate the traditional new year – will be a moment not ...
As motorcycle fleets grow in cities worldwide, governments must prioritize improving street design and alternative mobility options to slow the rise in motorcycle crashes. Photo by Frank/Flickr.
Growing motorcycle use creates a global safety challenge
Cities worldwide face the pressing challenge of growing motorcycle fleets and remarkable increases in related traffic fatalities. With streets ill-prepared and motor-bikes whizzing in every direction, the scene might best be described as urban transport anarchy. The problem is especially ...
TheCityFix Picks, May 27: Bike Sales, Car-Free Streets, Expanding Parisian Metro Lines
TheCityFix Picks, May 27: Bike Sales, Car-Free Streets, Expanding Parisian Metro Lines
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: mobility, quality of life, environment, public space, and technology and innovation. Mobility ...
Electric Vehicles in Taiwan
Electric Vehicles in Taiwan
Due to its high rates of urbanization and population density, Taiwan is an ideal nation for electric vehicles (EV). In a country with nearly one vehicle per person, a reformation of the private transportation sector is essential to meaningfully reduce ...
Cities in Flux: Pilgrimage in Jakarta Stifles Movement Once a Year
Cities in Flux: Pilgrimage in Jakarta Stifles Movement Once a Year
This is part of TheCityFix’s series, “Cities in Flux,” about demographic shifts as a result of development, immigration, migration, politics and the environment. We look at how city planning and transportation policies respond to this movement. Last year, nearly 30 million ...
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