Posts tagged with 'metro'
All the Stops in Washington, D.C.?
All the Stops in Washington, D.C.?
What can blogging do for the public dialogue on transportation? As we wrote about last week, the localization of blogging leads to available and accessible information in the public sphere, strengthened ties among advocates, experts and citizens, as well as ...
Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force Met With Frustration
Joint WMATA Governance Review Task Force Met With Frustration
This morning’s Board of Trade/Council of Governments task force meeting to gain public input on Metro governance and best practices was a disappointment, expressed many participants. Here are some of the complaints that resonated among most of the 12 speakers who ...
A Day Without Metro in Madrid
A Day Without Metro in Madrid
Ever wonder what a day without Metro would feel like? Today, Madrileños found out. Lately we’ve talked a lot about U.S. transit agencies’ budget crises. But events in Madrid today are eye opening, showing how transit agencies around the world are ...
Have Ideas for Metro?
Have Ideas for Metro?
Do you have ideas about how to improve Metro? Now’s your chance to talk. On Thursday, July 1, a joint task force run by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and the Greater Washington Board of Trade has invited the ...
One Year After Metro Crash: Let's Make Sustainable Transit Safer
One Year After Metro Crash: Let's Make Sustainable Transit Safer
If you see your bus driver texting – or dozing – what can you do? Or how about if you notice a train conductor talking on a cell phone? These were some of the questions that arose yesterday at “Transportation ...
Metro Board Hikes Fares, Maintains Service
Metro Board Hikes Fares, Maintains Service
Last Thursday, the Metro Board of Directors unanimously approved the biggest fare hike in the history of the transit agency, totaling nearly $109 million in rail, bus and paratransit fare increases. The deal was made over a “lunch break,” closed ...
Moving through the Recession, Part 3: Metro Confronts Estimated $189 Million Budget Shortfall
Moving through the Recession, Part 3: Metro Confronts Estimated $189 Million Budget Shortfall
As the latest installment of its series Moving through the Recession, TheCityFix DC conducted an email interview with Thomas Harrington, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Director of Long-Range Planning.  Parts 1 and 2 of the series, featured on TheCityFix ...
Snow Removal Best Practices: The Right Path
Snow Removal Best Practices: The Right Path
The Washington, D.C. metro area has the second highest percentage of public transit commuters in the United States, behind only New York City. Many of those riders walk to the Metro or the bus, and 89,000 other commuters walk to ...
Speak Out on D.C. Snow Removal Efforts at Public Hearings
Speak Out on D.C. Snow Removal Efforts at Public Hearings
Those of you who have been following snow removal efforts in the D.C. area will now have several opportunities to voice your opinions in the coming weeks. D.C. Council Member Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) has announced that he will hold ...
Buses Don't Get No Respect
Buses Don't Get No Respect
Buses are a bit like the Rodney Dangerfield of public transportation: they don’t get no respect.  In general, the smart growth community holds up rail transit as the paragon of public transportation, and bicycling as its noble sidekick in the ...
Immigrants and the Future of Sustainable Transportation
Immigrants and the Future of Sustainable Transportation
Joel Kotkin and his website New Geography can be frustrating—Kotkin can be an apologist for sprawl—but they can also be invaluable. That latter quality was on full display today in Prof. Ali Modarres’ expert breakdown of census data showing that ...
Purple Line to be Light Rail
Purple Line to be Light Rail
Gov. O’Malley has made his decision on the Purple Line: it’ll be light rail, as has been increasingly clear over the last couple of months. TheCityFix has been an advocate for high-quality bus rapid transit in the past, but let’s ...
Prince George's County: Sprawl, Not Metro Access, Is Biggest Problem
Prince George's County: Sprawl, Not Metro Access, Is Biggest Problem
Over at Greater Greater Washington, David Alpert is arguing that Prince George’s County isn’t building enough transit-oriented development around its Metro stations. In his words, “Prince George’s County is completely failing to take advantage of its existing Metro infrastructure.” The ...
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
It’s sometimes said that the stimulus bill was the first transportation bill. That’s basically correct; you can’t go anywhere in the transportation world without hearing how a given project was, will be, or hopefully might be a stimulus grant recipient. ...
The Double Edge of Density: Local Pollution
The Double Edge of Density: Local Pollution
The environmental movement is, rightfully, focused almost entirely on greenhouse gas emissions right now. That is almost certainly strategically correct, given the stakes. It’s important to remember, though, that there lots of kinds of pollution out there that aren’t GHG ...
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