Posts tagged with 'metro'
Here’s one way to lure people out of their cars and onto public transport: ROPID, the organization responsible for Prague’s public transport system, announced in May the creation of a “love train.” More accurately, it plans to designate specific cars ...
Our China Transportation Briefing shares interesting news and noteworthy research related to China’s transportation and urban development. The goal is to help people who are interested in solving China’s urbanization and transportation problems understand relevant Chinese policies and trends. Each ...
Our China Transportation Briefing shares interesting news and noteworthy research related to China’s transportation and urban development. The goal is to help people who are interested in solving China’s urbanization and transportation problems understand relevant Chinese policies and trends. Each ...
For those of you out there who have yet to buy your family and friends holiday presents, consider checking off wish lists with transit-centric swag. DIY, transit provider sponsored and homespun tchotchkes and apparel exist in quantity. Consider this 3D ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
EMBARQ India Urban Transport Associate Umang Jain contributed to this post. On February 23, 2011, India witnessed the launch of the Delhi Airport Metro Express (DAME), a first-of-its-kind metro rail service connecting New Delhi Railway Station (Central Delhi) to Indira ...
More than 600 million people are without power in India, in what is being described as “the world’s biggest blackout.” Cities in 22 of India’s 28 states, including New Delhi, have been affected. As of 1:45 p.m. IST, only 38 megawatts ...
On my way to my first day working at EMBARQ India’s office in Mumbai, I was given directions that included passing through tunnels, alleys and an empty warehouse. I had to ask myself if certain alleys were actually roads I ...
No wonder Stockholm receives some of the highest customer satisfaction scores in all of the world’s public transit services. In addition to placing an emphasis on service, value for money and customer information, Stockholm’s metro system also works to create ...
Washington, D.C. Metro riders will soon be able to add value to their SmarTrip cards online. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority launched a pilot program in July, testing the idea of online management of SmarTrip cards. Now the pilot ...
Washington, D.C. metro officials, in an effort to improve the current metro map, have hired Lance Wyman, the creator of the original map, to reconfigure and tweak his design. The redesign aims to better illustrate the changes in service during ...
Umang Jain co-wrote this post. On February 23, India launched the Delhi Airport Metro Express (DAME), a first-of-its-kind metro rail service connecting New Delhi Railway Station (Central Delhi) to Indira Gandhi International Airport. The project has been implemented using a ...
The Maharashtra Government approved the Pune Metro Rail a couple of weeks ago, but critics are still concerned about whether or not the project is a suitable solution for Pune’s traffic problems. Last month, the Pune Municipal Corporation’s initial enthusiasm ...
Tehran, Iran was the second runner-up to this year’s Sustainable Transport Award winner, Guangzhou, China. Event moderator Enrique Peñalosa called the city a model for others because of its aggressive policy aimed to successfully implement a broad set of new transportation options. Tehran ...
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