Posts tagged with 'metro'
To keep pace with a rapidly growing population, Bengaluru is making huge investments in transportation infrastructure. One of the city’s newest metro stations, Krishna Rajendra Market Station, is a vibrant case study of how urban development can affect different communities. ...
For some time now, there has been an ongoing tussle between the Government of Delhi and the National Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs about increasing fares for the Delhi metro. Under the existing law, a fare fixation committee reviews ...
The world’s great public transit systems: Tokyo’s Metro, London’s Tube, Hong Kong’s MTR…and Mexico City’s bus rapid transit corridors? Trains are often seen as the pinnacle of modern urban transport infrastructure. They’re green and efficient, supported by permanent, complex track ...
Have you ever been intrigued by the artistic design of a metro station? Have you stopped to watch a street dancer perform on a metro platform? A metro station can be more than a place where you impatiently wait for ...
Washington, D.C., one of the most powerful cities on Earth, has been thrown off-stride by a transit crisis. Starting March 16, the U.S. capital’s Metro system, which serves more than 710,000 passengers daily, closed down for 29 hours for emergency power ...
Over the past few years, a number of incredulous stories have surfaced about stray dogs in Moscow – dogs that sleep in the suburbs, take the subway downtown in the morning with other commuters and return home in the evening ...
Imagine you’re riding in a crowded metro car. It’s so full you weren’t able to get a seat, so you do all you can to stay upright as the train lurches between stations. As your stop approaches, you wonder how ...
This is the sixth post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors. As ...
Many cities are working to encourage healthier habits among their urban residents, but none have gone so far as Moscow, Russia, did last week. For one month, Muscovites can now purchase metro tickets through an unconventional means: by doing squats. ...
In the realm of conducting transport economic and environmental assessments, the option of “doing nothing,” or “no project/investment,” is considered as the baseline for all projects. A baseline is a reference pathway against which the impact of a project is ...
“Some sociologists say that modern modes of transport annihilate space and time and generate a permanent fright in travelers…we did our best in making one of those daily trips have a meaning beyond its origin and destination.” Those are the ...
In the spirit of Halloween, let’s take a minute to appreciate all of the excellent transport and urban planning inspired Halloween costumes out there. Scouring the web reveals endless possibilities for creative costumes with a message about urban living. From ...
Here’s one way to lure people out of their cars and onto public transport: ROPID, the organization responsible for Prague’s public transport system, announced in May the creation of a “love train.” More accurately, it plans to designate specific cars ...
Our China Transportation Briefing shares interesting news and noteworthy research related to China’s transportation and urban development. The goal is to help people who are interested in solving China’s urbanization and transportation problems understand relevant Chinese policies and trends. Each ...
Our China Transportation Briefing shares interesting news and noteworthy research related to China’s transportation and urban development. The goal is to help people who are interested in solving China’s urbanization and transportation problems understand relevant Chinese policies and trends. Each ...