Posts tagged with 'London'
A street in London built on a human scale. Photo by dnlb2. The BBC has run a piece by Dermot Finch, the director of Centre for Cities, which argues that UK cities have a lot to teach their Trans-Atlantic neighbors ...
Photo by padawan. New York and London: Importing a Decongestant for Midtown Streets [New York Times] United States: Letting the Market Drive Transportation? [Washington Post] London: Livingstone urges Porsche to drop congestion charge challenge[Gaurdian]
I’m happy to see such a high level of sophistication in recent public services announcements on sustainable transportation issues. First we had Lolo, the planet saving Donkey that takes public transportation and now we have this very clever awareness test ...
Congestion pricing is good for the environment and public health. Photo by dlisbona. A team of scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and King’s College London conducted a study showing that London’s congestion pricing scheme has ...
Bike docking stations in Paris. Photo by dangiles73. Last week, Ken Livingston, the Mayor of London, announced an ambitious plan to transform the British capital into a pedestrian and cycling city, an effort that he expects will reduce London’s carbon ...
Photo of Brooklyn-Queens Expressway by See-ming Lee on flickr. Author Will Self walks. He walks where people are not meant to walk. He walks out of airports into cities and from cities into airports. He has walked from the middle ...
Millenium Bridge in London by Neil101 on Flickr is a new website out of the United Kingdom that wants “to get people walking more”. In step with the likes of Google Transit and Walkscore, provides a free, easy ...
A street shot of pedestrian friendly London. Photo by *Berto from Flickr. During the months of March and April I lived in pedestrian-friendly London, the biggest of the half-dozen cities around the world that now impose a congestion charge on ...
Photo of traffic congestion in Hong Kong by A.H. 1987 from Flickr Solving the problem of congestion is usually a top priority for city authorities, who note that congestion not only causes air pollution, but also decreases quality of life ...