Posts tagged with 'innovation'
Global Case Studies on Sustainable Freight: Innovation, Waterways, and Last-Mile Delivery
Global Case Studies on Sustainable Freight: Innovation, Waterways, and Last-Mile Delivery
Create quieter delivery solutions. Declutter the roads and improve safety. Deliver goods more efficiently. Fastrack the development of alternative fuel technologies. Those were just some of the solutions explored at the Daring Cities forum last week during two sessions on sustainable ...
Going Low-Carbon Can Help Brazil Build Back Better
Going Low-Carbon Can Help Brazil Build Back Better
Brazil faces a fundamental choice of how to address the convergence of multiple crises it is now seeing: health, economic and environmental. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and multiplied the risks and weaknesses in our societies and economies, disproportionately impacting poor ...
India Must Plan New Strategy for Cities to Reap Full Benefits of 'Self-Reliance’ Initiative
India Must Plan New Strategy for Cities to Reap Full Benefits of ‘Self-Reliance’ Initiative
While announcing a stimulus package of INR 20 lakh crore ($260 billion) in his address to the nation on May 12, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged citizens to make use of the opportunity provided by the COVID-19 pandemic to ...
Learning From Seoul to Control COVID-19: Transparency, Accountability, Solidarity
Learning From Seoul to Control COVID-19: Transparency, Accountability, Solidarity
In many cities, lockdowns have forced large numbers of people into an impossible dilemma: follow social distancing guidelines or be deprived of their livelihoods and basic services. Unlike most places, South Korea and its capital, Seoul, took a markedly different ...
Tech Startups Offer New Answers to African Transport Woes. How Can Cities Capitalize?
Tech Startups Offer New Answers to African Transport Woes. How Can Cities Capitalize?
The fundamentals of urban mobility are changing rapidly. Apps like Uber and Lyft are becoming ubiquitous around the world and new modes like electric and shared bicycles and scooters are on the rise. The conversation is increasingly trending toward mobility ...
Our Poor Understanding of Urban Innovation Is Holding Cities Back
Our Poor Understanding of Urban Innovation Is Holding Cities Back
Innovation in cities has alleviated poverty, reduced wasteful resource consumption and achieved incredible economic outcomes. It’s part of the secret sauce that has led to the primacy of cities in today’s world, with urban areas accounting for 67% of global ...
What’s in a Question? Finding Innovative Solutions for Air Pollution
What’s in a Question? Finding Innovative Solutions for Air Pollution
UPDATE, 9/7/2020: Vote now! Help us decide which questions should be prioritized to advance the study of air quality by voting on the 10 finalist questions from The GovLab and WRI now. We know that air pollution is a big problem – ...
Meet the Startups Helping India’s Cities Save Water, Reduce Energy and Better Manage Waste
Meet the Startups Helping India’s Cities Save Water, Reduce Energy and Better Manage Waste
As cities across India contend with rapid outward expansion and growth, critical urban services are lagging behind, impacting long-term environmental sustainability, public health and quality of life. Rapid urbanization and the realities of climate change require the implementation of solutions ...
The InoveMob Challenge: 5 Brazilian Startups Partnering with Cities to Transform the Mobility Sector for Good
The InoveMob Challenge: 5 Brazilian Startups Partnering with Cities to Transform the Mobility Sector for Good
Innovation and government don’t always go hand in hand. Yet the opportunity for innovation in the mobility sector has never been so ripe. Companies all over the world are creating and deploying the next generation of disruptive transport solutions, from ...
What It Will Take for Startups to Spearhead Innovation to Transform Urban India
What It Will Take for Startups to Spearhead Innovation to Transform Urban India
TheCityFix Labs India, supported by Citi Foundation, drives market transition toward sustainable investments through knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and technical assistance. Of 100 applications, the Labs recently selected a cohort of 10 projects to mentor and bring to fruition.   Set to ...
D.C. Just Released the First Evaluation of Its Dockless Bike and Scooter Experiment
D.C. Just Released the First Evaluation of Its Dockless Bike and Scooter Experiment
Washington, DC, has been one of the foremost laboratories for tech-driven innovations in the transport sector. The city implemented North America’s first bike-share system, and most recently it welcomed companies to experiment with the latest transport trend: “micro mobility,” or ...
Achieving Clean Air in Cities
Achieving Clean Air in Cities
The original version of this text appeared in the International Finance Corporation analysis, “Climate Investment Opportunities in Cities.” Air pollution is the world’s fourth-leading fatal health risk and the top environmental health risk. One in nine deaths globally are attributed ...
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
For decades, Kampala has raced to keep up with its own rapid growth. Set alongside Lake Victoria, the Ugandan capital more than quadrupled in physical footprint between 1991 and 2012 as population doubled to 1.5 million people. One of Kampala’s ...
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Cities are changing at an unprecedented rate: 75 percent of the infrastructure expected to be in place by 2050 has yet to be built. Meanwhile, major adjustments are needed to reach global climate and development goals. Now is the chance ...
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The $250,000 Question: What Does a Transformative Urban Project Look Like?
The WRI Ross Prize for Cities seeks to answer the question every city wants to know: How do you achieve lasting, large-scale, positive change in your city? This week, applications for the inaugural $250,000 WRI Ross Prize closed and the ...
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