Posts tagged with 'informal settlements'
To Fix Housing, We Need to Talk About Land Use: Nora Libertun and Cynthia Goytia
To Fix Housing, We Need to Talk About Land Use: Nora Libertun and Cynthia Goytia
Affordable housing is a crisis that only seems to deepen. Some 1.2 billion people in cities lack access to affordable, secure housing – a number that’s projected to grow to 1.6 billion people by 2025. Cities in the global south, ...
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
Amid the barrage of news about climate-related natural disasters and climate change summits, it’s important to recognize real inflection points—when there is truly cause to sit up and take note. The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC, released ...
Confronting the Urban Housing Gap
Confronting the Urban Housing Gap
More than 1.2 billion city dwellers – one of every three people living in urban areas – lack access to affordable and secure housing. This housing gap is a major drag on the economy and the environment. The impact is ...
Friday Fun: Beyond the Map—Google Explores Rio’s Slums
What do you think of when you hear the word “slum”? For many, the word brings to mind poverty, violence and squalor; slums, or informal settlements, are overwhelmingly associated with the negative. This is particularly true in Rio de Janeiro, ...
What Can We Learn from Thailand’s Inclusive Approach to Upgrading Informal Settlements?
What Can We Learn from Thailand’s Inclusive Approach to Upgrading Informal Settlements?
Currently, an estimated one billion people worldwide live in informal settlements where they lack access to basic services and infrastructure and are often threatened with forced eviction. While the overall proportion of the world’s urban population living in informal settlements ...
From Grassroots Organizing to Affordable Housing: A Conversation with Diana Mitlin
From Grassroots Organizing to Affordable Housing: A Conversation with Diana Mitlin
Diana Mitlin is a Principal Researcher with the International Institute for Environment and Development’s (iied) Human Settlements program, conducting research on urban poverty and community development. Mitlin is also an academic, teaching on Global Urbanism at the University of Manchester. ...
Dhaka Information Settlements
Friday Fun: The daily life of informal settlements in a series of striking new videos
As a filmmaker, writer, and editor, Cassim Shepard is particularly attentive to the many complex ways that rapid global urbanization is affecting people at a very fundamental level—what they see, feel, and do in daily city life. Commissioned by Design ...
Connection between Medellín's Metrocable and Metroplús rapid transit systems
Mobility solutions for marginalized communities: The urban cable car
Latin America’s rate of urbanization peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, during which the region’s cities saw unprecedented rural to urban migration. In the following decades, violence in many of these population-drained rural areas accelerated the flow of rural migrants ...
As cities rapidly urbanize, governments worldwide face the challenge of improving living conditions for the most vulnerable urban populations. Photo by Akshay Mahajan/Flickr.
Upgrading informal settlements in an urbanizing world
How can we ensure that all urban inhabitants have the necessary rights and conditions for a dignified and secure existence in the city? As the world rapidly urbanizes, the livelihoods, health, and safety of residents living in informal settlements remain ...
Medellín’s Metrocable is the centerpiece of an inclusive urban upgrading strategy that has improved mobility and economic opportunity, while reducing violence in disadvantaged areas. Photo by Gabinete/Flickr.
Medellín Metrocable improves mobility for residents of informal settlements
In 2004, Medellín – the second largest city in Colombia – introduced the Medellín Metrocable system to connect low-income residents to public transport. As the world’s first modern urban aerial cable car transport system, this innovative addition to Medellín’s existing ...
Friday Fun: Painting Favelas in Rio de Janeiro
Friday Fun: Painting Favelas in Rio de Janeiro
Dutch artistic duo Haas&Hahn worked with local residents to create a piece of art out of painted favelas, or informal housing settlements, in Brazil. The duo attempted the piece to counter the negative coverage and imagery of the favelas in Rio de ...
"Ecumenopolis" Film Explores Challenges to Urbanization in Istanbul
"Ecumenopolis" Film Explores Challenges to Urbanization in Istanbul
Home to nearly 15 million inhabitants and 20 percent of the country’s population, Istanbul is not only the biggest city in Turkey but also the third largest city in Europe, after London and Moscow. Istanbul’s rapid urbanization in the last ...
Practical Design for the Urban Poor
Practical Design for the Urban Poor
The United Nations will be hosting an exhibition on design solutions to improve the quality of life for the urban poor. Titled, “Design for the Other 90%: CITIES,” the exhibition is by Cooper-Hewitt, the Smithsonian National Design Museum, and it ...
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