Posts tagged with 'environment'
Dario Hidalgo, senior transport engineer at EMBARQ (the producer of this blog), and Cornie Huizenga, joint convener of the Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Partnership (SLoCaT), discuss why the current market-based mechanism for reducing global carbon emissions—the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)—is not ...
This is part of TheCityFix’s series, “Cities in Flux,” about demographic shifts as a result of development, immigration, migration, politics and the environment. We look at how city planning and transportation policies respond to this movement. I thought an essay ...
A show at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City brings together five interdisciplinary teams to share proposals on the future of New York City and its surrounding areas amidst climate change and the city’s aging infrastructure. ...
We often don’t think of how we light our cities, but lighting in urban environments is an important piece of city design and residential safety. Our relationship with space and each other is largely influenced by light. It provides safety; ...
“This project marks a significant break with traditional thinking that regards transport as too hard to deal with when it comes to greenhouse gas reduction.” — Prof. John Whitelegg, co-author of “Towards a Zero Carbon Vision for UK Transport“ A new ...
Over the past year, we’ve written extensively about the new bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Ahmedabad, India, called Janmarg BRT. The system — India’s first full BRT — was a game-changer in India in the sphere of urban transit ...
The Natural Resources Defense Council‘s online resource center,, has named 22 cities “2010 Smarter Cities” for their investment in low-carbon energy and efforts to become more energy efficient and conservation-minded urban spaces. “Energy” is the first of about a dozen ...
This season, we’ve been following Mumbai through the monsoon, looking at how monsoon season can ravage transportation systems and batter infrastructure, putting people’s lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. Now, a new study in Nature Geoscience describes how climate change from ...
“The greatest wave of mass mobility is yet to come.” – John Sterman Yesterday in my post about sustainable accessibility, I included a link to this lecture by Dr. John Sterman. The lecture, part of MIT’s series of seminars about transportation, ...
At the end of May, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan announced the start of operations at a new asphalt plant in Corona, Queens. The new plant – part of the city’s ...
Welcome to another installment of “What’s Schipper Saying?”, a collection of comments about sustainable transport, cities and fuel efficiency made by Lee Schipper, a senior research engineer at the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center of Stanford University and the founder of ...
It’s the 40th anniversary of Earth Day! Let’s celebrate with a round-up of a posts that shed some light into why cities matter, from the perspective of mayors, urban planners, businesspeople and community activists. Have something to share? Link to ...
The British newspaper the Guardian has published an interactive tool on its website that allows the user to simulate different policies at the national scale for reducing the UK’s carbon footprint. The user can opt for any number of policies, ...
The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) in February released the Urban Street Design Manual, a 172-page guidebook that outlines design standards to create more walkable communities in Abu Dhabi, the largest and most oil-rich of the seven members of ...
In recent years, auto rickshaws have been a topic of endless controversy in India. Proponents maintain that they are a vital mode of transport in Indian cities, providing low-cost mobility and connecting travelers to mass transit and even directly to ...