Posts tagged with 'environment'
Mexico City Launches Third Line of Metrobus BRT
Mexico City Launches Third Line of Metrobus BRT
Translated from Spanish via Mexico City’s Metrobús launched Line 3 on Tuesday. The trunk line of the city’s five-year-old BRT system is expected to move 120,000 passengers per day between Tenayuca and Etiopía. The new line will include 17 ...
New Report: High Rates of Per Capita Emissions in Global Cities, Especially Among Affluent
New Report: High Rates of Per Capita Emissions in Global Cities, Especially Among Affluent
“If all production- and consumption-based emissions that result from lifestyle and purchasing are included, urban residents and their associated affluence likely account for more than 80 percent of the world’s GHG emissions,” says a new report, “Cities and Greenhouse Gas ...
TT2011: The Need for a New Paradigm in Transport Data Collection and Analysis
TT2011: The Need for a New Paradigm in Transport Data Collection and Analysis
In a large city with broad institutional capacity like New York City, a lot of data is available. The city has access to a lot of useful numbers from a variety of sources, from community-based organizations that track the block-by-block details ...
2011 Sustainable Transport Award Winner: Guangzhou, China
2011 Sustainable Transport Award Winner: Guangzhou, China
Originally posted on The city of Guangzhou, China today won the 2011 Sustainable Transport Award for its new world-class bus rapid transit (BRT) system that integrates with bike lanes, bike share and metro stations. The annual award created by ...
Friday Fun: Color-Changing Shirts Detect Carbon Monoxide
Friday Fun: Color-Changing Shirts Detect Carbon Monoxide
A pair of graduate students at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Sue Ngo and Niem Lam, have created a shirt that changes color when exposed to carbon monoxide.
Crowdsourcing Energy in Public Spaces
Crowdsourcing Energy in Public Spaces
The body heat of about 250,000 commuters in Stockholm’s Central Station is now being used to warm a building across the street. Engineers and designers in Sweden have figured out a way to harness the excess heat energy from the ...
D.C. Area Boasts Residential Electric Car Charging Station
D.C. Area Boasts Residential Electric Car Charging Station
A new development, owned by Equity Residential, in the Mount Vernon Triangle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. will now have an electric car charging station in its garage.  Launched in conjunction with Car Charging Inc. the location appears to be “the first such charging ...
Using Instant Feedback for "Eco-Driving"
Using Instant Feedback for "Eco-Driving"
Researchers at the University of California are developing a study on how drivers change their behavior when they have access to instantaneous information on the efficiency of their driving. The first-of-its-kind study, led by UC Berkeley, UC Riverside and UC ...
Obesity Poses a Heavy Problem for Developing Cities
Obesity Poses a Heavy Problem for Developing Cities
About half of the world now lives in cities, and this figure is expected to grow to 70 percent by 2050, with most urban growth projected to occur in developing countries. As people move to cities at this unprecedented pace ...
Friday Fun: The Transportation Resolution
Friday Fun: The Transportation Resolution
What are your transportation resolutions for the New Year? If you don’t have one, here are some ideas that have been circulating online for the past couple of weeks. Drive Less California newspaper MercuryNews of Silicon Valley suggests “have a car-free ...
Adapting to Climate Change: Is Our Transport Infrastructure Robust Enough?
Adapting to Climate Change: Is Our Transport Infrastructure Robust Enough?
In the wake of  the Cancun climate negotiations, we thought it would be interesting to examine some of the likely impacts of climate change on transportation infrastructure. “Rising sea levels, greater weather variability, and more extreme weather events like hurricanes, permafrost thawing, ...
Hybrid Buses on the Road in Guadalajara
Hybrid Buses on the Road in Guadalajara
Employing hybrid technologies in public transportation allows cities to run more buses with fewer greenhouse gas emissions, while also helping to reduce total vehicle kilometers traveled, congestion, and road injuries and fatalities. Earlier this month in Guadalajara—Mexico’s second largest city—industrial manufacturer ...
New Report: U.S. States Failing at Reducing Transportation Emissions
New Report: U.S. States Failing at Reducing Transportation Emissions
The Natural Resources Defense Council and Smart Growth America released a report, “Getting Back on Track: Aligning State Transportation Policy with Climate Change Goals,” analyzing state-level policies to curb carbon emissions in the transportation sector.  With the absence of a ...
Transport After Cancun: Now What?
Transport After Cancun: Now What?
Originally posted on The Cancun Agreements have been widely praised as a step forward for international negotiations on climate change. Progress was in some ways modest, delaying the biggest questions for the future, like the future of Kyoto Protocol commitments ...
The Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility: Integrate, Integrate, Integrate
The Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility: Integrate, Integrate, Integrate
This post is part of a series analyzing the solutions highlighted in the report and toolkit, “Megacities on the Move.” The report, written by London-based Forum for the Future in partnership with FIA Foundation, Vodafone, and EMBARQ, offers six sustainable ...
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